Register shortcut keys for setting items of [Administrator Settings] on the Control Panel. You can register up to 16 shortcut keys.
To register shortcut keys, tap [Register/Edit Shortcut], then select setting items to be assigned to shortcut keys from [Shortcut key 1] to [Shortcut key 16]
The following shows the default settings.
[Shortcut key 1]: [ON] / [Create One-Touch Destinations]
[Shortcut key 2]: [ON] / [Create User Box]
[Shortcut key 3]: [ON] / [Power Supply/Power Save Settings]
[Shortcut key 4]: [ON] / [List/Counter ]
[Shortcut key 5]: [ON] / [TCP/IP Settings]
[Shortcut key 6]: [ON] / [E-mail Settings]
[Shortcut key 7]: [Do Not Use]
[Shortcut key 8]: [Do Not Use]
[Shortcut key 9]: [ON] / [General Settings]
[Shortcut key 10]: [ON] / [User Authentication Settings]
[Shortcut key 11]: [ON] / [Set Paper Name by User]
[Shortcut key 12]: [ON] / [Custom Display Settings]
[Shortcut key 13]: [ON] / [Install License]
[Shortcut key 14]: [ON] / [Administrator Password]
[Shortcut key 15]: [Do Not Use]
[Shortcut key 16]: [Do Not Use]