Home Settings and AdjustmentsUtility/CounterList of Setting Items (when Paper Feeder Unit PF-708 is mounted)

Settings and Adjustments

List of Setting Items (when Paper Feeder Unit PF-708 is mounted)

Paper Feeder Unit PF-708 is equipped with a Reverse Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) and a scanner.

01 Scan Address Register

Menu Item/Description

Setting Items/Options (with default bolded)

[01 Address Edit]

Add or delete a destination. Also, edit registered information of a destination.


[02 E-mail Title Setting]

Register up to 5 E-mail subjects.


[03 E-mail Text Setting]

Register up to 5 E-mail texts.


02 User Setting

Menu Item/Description

Setting Items/Options (with default bolded)

[01 System Setting]

[01 Language Setting]

Select the language used in the touch panel and voice messages.

Language used in LCD: Japanese

Taiwan, Chinese, Hangul

English, French, Italian, German, Spanish


Language in voice message: English, Japanese, OFF

[02 Unit Setting]

Select the unit of measurement for numeric values to be displayed on the touch panel.

mm, Inch (Decimal Point), Inch (Fraction)

[03 Paper Tray Setting]

[01 Paper Setting]

Register or delete the paper settings. Up to 500 can be registered.

Paper Type, Profile Name, Paper Size, Weight, Colored Paper, Punch, Both Sides Adjust, Curl Adjustment, Thickness*1, Process Adjustment*2, Color Density,
USB Memory Import, USB Memory Export

*1: Thickness is displayed when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

*2: Process Adjustment is unavailable by default. A service setting is required to enable it.

[02 Auto Tray Selection Setting]

Select the tray to take over the feeding when the tray currently used becomes out of paper. This function is called Auto Tray Switch (ATS). When selecting multiple trays for ATS, determine the priority of the trays.

ATS/APS Switch: Tray 1 to Tray 9

Tray Priority: Order of priority for selected trays

[03 Type for Auto Paper]

Specify paper conditions that enable a tray to be selected in Auto Paper (APS).

Paper conditions to be specified here are Paper Type, Weight, Punch, Tab Paper, and Colored Paper.

Paper Type: Plain, Fine, Color Specific, Coated-GL, Coated-ML, Coated-GO, Coated-MO

Weight:55-61 g/m2 / 14-15 lb Bond, 62-74g/m2 / 16-19 lb Bond, 75-80g/m2 / 20-21 lb Bond, 81-91g/m2 / 22-24 lb Bond, 92-105g/m2 / 25-28 lb Bond, 106-135g/m2 / 29-36 lb Bond, 136-176g/m2 / 37-47 lb Bond, 177-216g/m2 / 48-57 lb Bond, 217-256g/m2 / 58-68 lb Bond, 257-300g/m2 / 69-81 lb Bond, 301-350 g/m2 / 82-93 lb Bond

Punch: Allow, Restrict

Tab Paper: Allow, Restrict

Colored Paper: Allow, Restrict

[04 Dehumidify Fan Heater]

Set the operating conditions of the dehumidifying fan heater installed in the paper feeder unit (trays 1 to 9).

Dryness Preparation: ON, OFF

Fan Heater Control (Trays 1 to 9): Auto, Compulsively ON, Compulsively OFF

[04 Reset Setting]

[01 Auto Reset Setting]

The screen selected as the default screen returns after a certain period of inactivity. Select the time interval to activate this function.

OFF, 60 seconds, 120 seconds, 180 seconds, 240 seconds, 300 seconds, 360 seconds, 420 seconds, 480 seconds, 540 seconds

[02 Job Reset Setting]

Specify whether or not to initialize the setting currently specified when the machine takes it that the user has changed, or original document is loaded into the ADF. And select the settings to be initialized each time a single job has been completed.

Change User: ON, OFF

ADF Original Direction: Reset, Not Reset

Reset Button Function: Initialize, Full Auto

Mode Memory Auto Call: ON, OFF

Finisher Mode when Full Auto: Offset Sort, Offset Group, Sort, Group, Staple Sort, Fold & Staple, Half-Fold, Face Up, Face Down

Initial by Key Counter Insert: ON, OFF

Status Hold When Auto Reset: Not Keep, Keep

Next Job Staple Setting: Release, Do Not Release

Original Set/Bind Direction: Release, Do Not Release

[05 Default Screen Setting]

Select the screen to be displayed when the sub power switch is turned on or Auto Reset is activated.


[06 Set Zoom Ratio Setting]

Modify predefined fixed ratios. Also, preset frequently used magnification ratios.

Fixed (Enlarge/Reduce): 8

Set Zoom Ratio: 3

[07 Power Save Setting]

[01 Power Save Function Setting]
Select the time to activate Auto Low Power and Auto Shut OFF. Also select either Auto Low Power or Auto Shut OFF to be activated when Power Save is pressed on the [control panel].

Auto Low Power: --- min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 60 min., 90 min.*, 120 min.*, 240 min.
Auto Shut OFF: --- min., 0 min., 1 min., 30 min., 60 min., 90 min., 120 min., 240 min.
Power Save Function: Auto Low Power, Auto Shut OFF

[02 ErP Setting]

Automatically turn off the main power switch when the sub power switch is turned off, or when Auto Shut OFF or Auto Low Power has been active for a certain time.

Do Not Switch, 12 Hours, 24 Hours, 36 Hours, 48 Hours, 60 Hours, 72 Hours

[08 Date/Time Setting]

Set the current date and time, the daylight-saving time, and the time difference.

Setting Time

Daylight Saving Time: OFF, ON (1 to 150 min.)

Time Zone

[09 Operation/Info. Sound Setting]

[01 Volume Setting]

Specify whether or not to enable the key operation sound or information sound and voice message, and also set the volume when they are turned on.

Operation Sound (Buzzer): ON, OFF,

1 (Small) to 8 (Big)

Info. Sound/Voice (Speaker): ON, OFF; 1 (Small) to 10 (Big)

[02 Info. Sound Item Setting]

Specify each items provided for information sound and voice message.

Repeat Number Setting

 Info. Sound Repeat Number: 1 time, 2 times, 3 times

 Voice Repeat Number: 1 time, 2 times, 3 times

Notice Set for Machine Stop

 Paper JAM: Voice, Info. Sound, OFF

 Paper Empty: Voice, Info. Sound, OFF

 Paper Differ: Voice, Info. Sound, OFF

 Replenish Toner: Voice, Info. Sound, OFF

 Service Call: Info. Sound, OFF

 Output full: Info. Sound, OFF

Other Notification Setting

 Job Complete Pre-notice: Voice, OFF

 Job Quantity: Over 3 minutes, Over 5 minutes, Over 10 minutes

 Stop Button Acceptance: Voice, OFF

 Sample Print Completion: Voice, OFF

 Finisher Front Door Alert: Voice, OFF

 Finisher JAM Notification: Voice, OFF

Other Info. Sound Setting

 For System Starting: Info. Sound, OFF

 For Sample Printing*: Info. Sound, OFF

 For Print Job Receiving: Info. Sound, OFF

*This setting is displayed to function on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

[10 Key Response Time]

Select the time interval to get the response from the machine when a key is pressed on the touch panel.

Normal, 0.5 seconds, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds

[11 Shortcut Key Register]

[01 Application]

Select shortcut keys to be displayed under [Application] on the [COPY] screen. Up to 4 keys can be selected.

Combine, Booklet, Book Copy, Non-Image Area Erase, Image Repeat, Frame Center Erase, Image Centering, Page Margin, Stamp

[02 Quality Adj. (Copy)]

Select shortcut keys to be displayed under [Quality Adj.] on the [COPY] screen. Up to 4 keys can be selected.

Copy Density, Background Removal, Red, Green, Blue, Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Sharpness, Contrast, Image Distinction Level, Screen Pattern, Color Balance

[03 Quality Adj. (Scan)]

Select shortcut keys to be displayed under [Quality Adj.] on the Scan Setting screen of [SCAN] screen. Up to 4 keys can be selected.

Scan Density, Background Removal, Red, Green, Blue, Sharpness, Contrast

[04 Quality Adj. Area Setting]

Select either shortcut keys or density setting to be displayed under [Quality Adj.] on the [COPY] screen or the Scan Setting screen of [SCAN] screen.

Shortcut Display, Density Setting Display

[05 Output Setting]

Select shortcut keys to be displayed under [Output Setting] on the [COPY] screen. Up to 4 keys can be selected.

Fold, Multi Half-Fold, Multi Tri-Fold, Fold & Staple, Staple, Punch, Offset Sort, Sort, Offset Group, Group, Perfect Bind, Ring Bind

[12 Service Port Device Setting]

Specify whether or not to use a service port device, and select the keyboard type if the service port device is used.

Service Port Device: ON, OFF

Keyboard Type: EN65, EN104, JP101, JP106, JP109

[13 Mouse Setting]

Select whether or not to use the Wheel Booster function and Cursor Auto Scrolling function, respectively, for when the mouse is connected.

Wheel Booster Setting: ON, OFF

When using this function, set List Scrolling Speed and Value Scrolling Speed.

Cursor Auto Scrolling Set.: ON, OFF

When using this function, set cursor speed, cancel sensitivity, and cursor prior return position, and cursor prior destination.

[02 Initial Setting]

[01 Copy Initial Setting]

Specify the initial settings to be restored when [Reset] is pressed.

Copy Initial Setting: Original Setting, Quality Adj., Zoom, Auto Zoom, Simplex/Duplex, Output Setting, Color, Paper tray selection, Auto Paper, Image Rotation OFF, ADF, Hold Setting

[02 Scan Initial Setting]

Specify the initial settings to be restored when [Reset] is pressed.

Scan Initial Setting: Original Setting, Image Area, Quality Adj., Zoom*, Application, Color, Color Space, Scan Size, Resolution(dpi), Simplex/Duplex, Default Server, ADF

*To enable [Zoom], a setting is required. For details, contact your service representative.

[03 Common Setting]

[One Shot Message Indication Time]

Select the time span to display a shot message in the message area of the touch panel.

3 seconds, 5 seconds

[Offset by Job Unit]

Specify whether or not to offset the output sheets by job. Also specify the number of jobs to be offset when selecting ON for this function.

ON, OFF (Selecting ON: Offset Job Number, Initial Value: 1)

[Continuation Print]

Specify whether or not to output multiple reserve jobs in succession without stopping the machine at a job break.

Copy ON, Copy OFF, Printer ON, Printer OFF

[Stop Button Function]

Specify whether to pause or abort a job when Stop is pressed on the control panel.

Job Temp. Stop, Job Stop

[Back Side Magnification Adjustment]

Select whether or not to activate the back side magnification adjustment mode.


[Fusing Stability] (On switching the trays)

Select what to prioritize when fusing.

Best Quality, Better Quality, Speed

[Prior Paper Type]

Specify the temperature setting of the fusing section on standby. It can shorten the waiting time before printing by selecting a frequently used paper.

Others, Coated

[Dash Length (Page Stamp)]

Select the length of the dash to be used in a style of [Page No.] in [Stamp].

This setting is displayed to function on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

Long, Short

[Center Crop Mark Trim Margin]

Specify the space between the center crop mark and image area (center crop mark trim margin).

0.0 mm to 20.0 mm (default: 1.0)

[Schedule Cross Axis Unit (Default)]

Select the unit of horizontal axis on the [Schedule] screen.

This setting is displayed to function on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

Timetable, Time Frame (m), Sheet Volume

[Hold Job Status after Output (Default)]

Select the default value to delete or save the data of hold job after outputting.

Delete, Save

[Destination for HDD Recall (Default)]

Select the default destination for the job data recalled from the HDD.

Print, Hold, Print&Hold,

[Offset Output Mode]

Specify how to offset the output sets.

Change Out Pos., Partition Paper (Tray 1 to Tray 9, PI 1, PI 2), Stop Print

[Needless Tab Paper Exit]

Specify whether or not to automatically discharge the oddments of tabbed sheets loaded in a tray as a set for copy job.


[Remaining Memory (Measurement Unit)]

Select the unit of displaying the remaining memory.

%, GB

 [Remaining Memory (Warning)]

Select the percentage at which to give warning when the remaining memory is low.

 5% or Less2, 10% or Less

[04 Copy Setting]

[Fold & Staple Auto Selection]

Specify whether or not to automatically set the Booklet mode when Fold & Staple mode is selected.


[Orig. Glass Auto Size Select]

Specify whether or not to automatically select the same size of copy paper as the original when placed on the original glass.


[ADF Auto Size Select]

Specify whether or not to automatically select the same size of copy paper as the original when placed on the ADF.


[Auto Zoom (Original Glass)]

Specify whether or not to automatically set an appropriate magnification ratio to correspond to the selected paper size when detecting the original size placed on the original glass.


[Auto Zoom (ADF)]

Specify whether or not to automatically set an appropriate magnification ratio to correspond to the selected paper size when detecting the original size placed on the ADF.


[Non-Image Area Erase]

Specify the condition of Non-Image Area Erase function.

ON, APS/AMS, Except Orig. Glass (1:1)

[ADF Frame Erase]

Set to erase the frame when copying in ADF mode.

None, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm

[Interruption Suspend Setting]

Set the timing to interrupt the current job when pressing Interrupt while copying.

Stop Immediately, WhenCurrentComp.

[Printer Prohibit Timer]

Set the time interval to suspend the print job via PC after the last operation of touch keys.

OFF, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds

[Orig./Out Bind Direction Set]

Set whether or not to conform the bind direction in Output Setting with that specified in Original Setting.


[Specify Default Tray APS OFF]

Specify the tray to be automatically selected when APS (Auto Paper) is canceled.

APS Tray, Tray 1, Tray 2, Tray 3, Tray 4, Tray 5, Tray 6, Tray 7, Tray 8, Tray 9

[Scan Stop by Pull Out Tray]

Set whether or not to stop the scanning operation if any tray is pulled out.


[05 Scan Setting]

[File Type Default E-mail]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to E-mail.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

*This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default HDD]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to HDD.

This is not available on this machine.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[File Type Default FTP]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to FTP.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

*This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default SMB]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to SMB.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

*This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default WebDAV ]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to WebDAV.

This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[File Type Default USB]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to USB.

This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[Default Address]

Select the default value (destination type) of the [SCAN] screen.

E-mail, HDD, FTP, SMB, WebDAV*2, Queue*1 , USB Memory*2

*1:This is available only when Image Controller IC-310 or Image Controller IC-308 is mounted.
*2: This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[Compress Method Color/Gray]

Select the default value of the level to compress data.

High Comp., Standard, Low Comp.

[06 Printer Setting]

[01 Outline Process]

Select the Outline Process for printing.

Text Thinning: Weak+, Weak, Normal, Strong, Strong+

Halftone Text Enhancement: Weak+, Normal, Strong+

FD Lead Edge Density Adjustment: 0 to +5

FD Rear Edge Density Adjustment: -5 to 0

[02 Select Prior Output Tray]

Select the output tray for the jobs for which the output tray is specified as "Auto." This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Finisher FS-532.

Main Tray, Sub Tray

[07 Image Quality Setting]

[01 Original Density Shift]

Adjust the original density shift amount in each original image quality mode for Full Color, Black, and Single Color, respectively.

Text/Photo (printing): -3 to +3

Text/Photo (photographic paper): -3 to +3

Photo (printing): -3 to +3

Photo (photographic paper): -3 to +3

Text: -3 to +3

Copied original: -3 to +3

Map: -3 to +3

Inkjet: -3 to +3

[02 ACS Adjustment]

Adjust the automatic color detection function.

Adjustment Range: -2 to +2

[08 Change Password]

Change the user password previously registered with user authentication.

Entry of a new password

03 Administrator Setting

Menu Item/Description

Setting Items/Options (with default bolded)

[01 System Setting]

[01 Power Save Setting]

[01 Power Save Function Setting]
Select the time to activate Auto Low Power and Auto Shut OFF.

Also select either Auto Low Power or Auto Shut OFF to be activated when Power Save is pressed on the control panel.

Auto Low Power: --- min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 60 min., 90 min., 120 min., 240 min.

Auto Shut OFF: --- min., 0 min., 1 min., 30 min., 60 min., 90 min., 120 min., 240 min.

Power Save Function: Auto Low Power, Auto Shut OFF

[02 ErP Setting]

Automatically turn off the main power switch when the sub power switch is turned off, or when Auto Shut OFF or Auto Low Power has been active for a certain time.

Do Not Switch, 12 Hours, 24 Hours, 36 Hours, 48 Hours, 60 Hours, 72 Hours

[02 Date/Time Setting]

Set the current date and time, the daylight-saving time, and the time difference.

Setting Time

Daylight Saving Time: OFF, ON (1 to 150 min.)

Time Zone

[03 Weekly Timer Setting]

[01 Weekly Timer On/Off Setting]

Specify whether or not to use the Weekly Timer function.

Use, Not Use

[02 Time Setting]

Set the ON/OFF times in hours and minutes.


[03 Date Setting]

Set the ON/OFF condition of the machine for a given day of a given month.


[04 Select Time for Power Save]

Set the machine to turn off and then on during the lunch break.


[05 Password Non-Business Hours]

Set a password to use the machine by turning on the power temporarily while the machine is in off condition due to the Weekly Timer function.

0000 (4 digits)

[04 Restrict User Access]

[01 Lock/Delete Mode Memory]

Lock or unlock a copy/scan program registered by using Mode Memory not to or to allow deleting, or delete a copy/scan program.

[01 Copy Mode Memory]

Lock or unlock a copy program registered using Mode Memory not to or to allow deleting, or delete a copy program.


[02 Scan Mode Memory]

Lock or unlock a scan program registered by using Mode Memory not to or to allow deleting, or delete a scan program.


[02 Change Restrict Setting]

Select whether to allow or to restrict to add, change, or delete a destination, and to change the registered magnifications.

Change Address Registration: Allow, Restrict

Change Set Zoom: Allow, Restrict

[03 Scan Restrict Setting]

Select whether to allow or to restrict to select or enter a destination for each destination type.

E-mail: Allow, Restrict

HDD: Allow, Restrict

FTP: Allow, Restrict

SMB: Allow, Restrict

WebDAV*2: Allow, Restrict

Queue*1: Allow, Restrict

USB Memory*2: Allow, Restrict

Manual Setting: Allow, Restrict

*1: This is available only when Image Controller IC-310 or Image Controller IC-308 is mounted.
*2: This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[04 Restriction for Sample Print]

Specify whether or not to allow the use of sample print function.

This menu item is displayed to function on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

Sample Print: Allow, Restrict

[05 Expert Adjustment]

[01 Auto Background Dens. Adj.]

Change the density level to be applied when [Auto] is selected for [Background Removal] in [Quality Adj.] on the COPY screen.

Color: -2 to +2 (0)

Black: -2 to +2 (0)

[02 Erase Correction]

[01 Non-Image Area Erase]

Specify the conditions to be applied to the Non-Image Area Erase function.

Erase Outside of Original, ON - APS/AMS Only, Except Orig. Glass (1:1)

[02 Erase Operation Setting]

Set the original density for erasing the outside area of the original.

You must select [Erase Outside of Original] in [01 Non-Image Area Erase].

Auto, Dark+, Dark, Normal, Light, Light+

[03 ADF Frame Erase]

Set to erase the frame when copying in ADF mode.

None, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm

[03 Printer Adjustment]

[01 Restart Timing Adjustment]

Adjust the image position of lead edge in paper feed direction in the printer engine.


FD-Mag. Adjustment is completed.

Objects of adjustment:

Restart Timing (Tray 1 to Tray 9), Restart Timing (Back), Tray Large Plain Offset, Tray Large Thick Offset, Tray Small Plain Offset, Tray Small Thick Offset, Large Plain Offset (ADU), Large Thick Offset (ADU), Small Plain Offset (ADU), Small Thick Offset (ADU)

Adjustment Range:

-60 (Lower) to +60 (Higher)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Centering Adjustment]

Adjust the image position in the crosswise direction of the printer engine.


CD-Mag. Adjustment is completed.

Objects of adjustment:

Tray 1 to Tray 9, ADU, Large Size Offset (Tray 1 to Tray 9), Small Size Offset (Tray 1 to Tray 9), Large Plain Offset (ADU), Large Thick Offset (ADU), Small Plain Offset (ADU), Small Thick Offset (ADU), 8.5 5.5 Plain Offset (ADU), 8.5 5.5 Thick Offset (ADU)

Adjustment Range:

-40 (Front) to +40 (Back)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 FD-Mag. Adjustment]

Adjust the magnification in paper feed direction in the printer engine.

Objects of adjustment:

Printer FD-Mag.

Adjustment Range:

-100 (Short) to +100 (Long)

(1 step = 0.01%)

Objects of adjustment:

Tray 1 Offset (ADU) to Tray 9 Offset (ADU)

Adjustment Range:

-80 (Short) to +20 (Long)

(1 step = 0.01%)

[04 CD-Mag. Adjustment]

Adjust the magnification in crosswise direction in the printer engine.

Objects of adjustment:

Printer CD-Mag., Tray 1 Offset (ADU) to Tray 9 Offset (ADU)

Adjustment Range:

-100 (Short) to +100 (Long)

(1 step = 0.01%)

[05 Lead Edge Erase Adjustment]

Adjust the amount of image to be erased from the edge of the printed sheet.

Object of Adjustment: Erase amount

Adjustment Range:

-20 (Short) to +40 (Long)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[06 Registration Loop Adj.]

Adjust the paper loop amount in registration roller section.

Objects of adjustment:

Tray 1 Large Size to Tray 9 Large Size, Tray 1 Small Size to Tray 9 Small Size, ADU Large Size, ADU Small Size, ADU Plain/W Under 150 mm, ADU Thick/W Under 150 mm, Thick

Adjustment Range:

-99 (Short) to +99 (Long)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[07 Pre-registration Adj.]

Adjust the paper loop amount in pre-registration roller section of the trays.

Objects of adjustment:

Tray 1 to Tray 9, ADU Large Size, ADU Small Size

Adjustment Range:

-99 (Short) to +99 (Long)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[08 Print Job JAM Setting]

Set whether or not to stop the machine as a paper jam when a mis-centering is detected. And set whether or not to display a message indicating the cause of the JAM when the machine stops as JAM.

Mis-centering JAM Setting: Detect, Not Detect

JAM Identification Display: Display, Not Display

[04 Finisher Adjustment] (Finisher FS-532)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Finisher FS-532.

[01 Staple Finisher Adjustment]

[01 Staple Finisher(Main) Adj.]

[01 Staple Position Adjustment]

Adjust 2 position staple pitch and corner staple positions in staple finisher.

Objects of adjustment:

2 Position Pitch (120 mm), 2 Position Pitch (140 mm), 2 Position Pitch (165 mm), Rear Diagonal

Adjustment Range:

-5 (Narrow) to +5 (Wide)

(1 step = 1.0 mm)

Objects of adjustment:

Rear Parallel, Front Parallel

Adjustment Range:

-3 (Narrow) to +3 (Wide)

(1 step = 1.0 mm)

[02 Staple Paper Width Adj.]

Adjust the board alignment width of the staples in the staple finisher.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , SRA4 , A4 /, A5 , B4 , B5 , 8K , 16K , 12 18 , 11 17 , 9 11 , 8.5 11 /, 8.5 14 , 8 13 , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 13 19 , SRA4 , 5.5  8.5 , 16K , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-20 (Wide) to +20 (Narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 FD Alignment Plate Adj.]

Adjust the vertical alignment fitting for staples in the staple finisher.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Sizes, A4 , B5 , A5 , 8.5 11 , 16K , 9 11 , 5.5 8.5 , Custom (148 to 230 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Wide) to +50 (Narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Exit Guide Paper Width Adj.]

Adjust the exit guide alignment pitch to be used by the staple finisher.

Make adjustment if output paper stack on main tray is uneven in straight delivery.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , SRA4 , A4 /, A5 , B4 , B5 , 8K , 16K , 12 18 , 11 17 , 9 11 , 8.5 11 /, 8.5 14 , 8 13 , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 13 19 , B5 , A6 , SRA4 , B6 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Wide) to +50 (Narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[05 Rewind Paddle Descent Adj.]

Adjust rewind paddle descent.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , SRA4 , A4 /, A5 , B4 , B5 , 8K , 16K , 12 18 , 11 17 , 9 11 , 8.5 11 /, 8.5 14 , 8 13 , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 13 19 , SRA4 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-10 (Little) to +10 (Much)

(1 step = 0.2 mm)

[06 Rewind Function Operation]

Select operation for the rewind paddle.

Auto, ON, OFF

[07 Upper Gripper Operation]

Select the upper gripper operation for main tray outlet.

Auto, ON, OFF

[08 Output Alignment Operation]

Select operation for output alignment.

Auto, ON, OFF

[02 Staple Finisher(Fold) Adj.]

This menu item is to be displayed and become configurable on Finisher FS-532 mounted with Saddle Stitcher SD-510.

[01 Fold&Staple Pitch Adjustment]

Adjust staple pitch in Saddle Stitcher SD-510. Make this adjustment if staple pitch is not within the allowance range.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , 12 18 , A3 , 11 17 , 8K , B4 , SRA4 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , B5 , A4 , 16K , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 13 19 , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (240 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-300 (Narrow) to +300 (Wide)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Fold&Staple Paper Width Adj.]

Adjust pitch of alignment plate in Saddle Stitcher SD-510 if half-folded or multi tri-folded sheets show misalignment.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , 12 18 , A3 , 11 17 , 8K , B4 , SRA4 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , B5 , A4 , 16K , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 13 19 , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (240 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Narrow) to +50 (Wide)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Fold & Staple Staple Position]

Adjust staple position in Saddle Stitcher SD-510.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , 12 18 , A3 , 11 17 , 8K , B4 , SRA4 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , B5 , A4 , 16K , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 13 19 , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (240 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Top face of output paper: -50 (Extend) to +50 (Shorten)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Fold & Staple Fold Position]

Adjust half-fold position of fold & staple function in Saddle Stitcher SD-510. Make this adjustment if half-fold position is not within the specified range.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , 12 18 , A3 , 11 17 , 8K , B4 , SRA4 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , B5 , A4 , 16K , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 13 19 , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (240 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Top face of output paper: -50 (Extend) to +50 (Shorten)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[05 Half-Fold Fold Position Adj.]

Adjust half-fold position of fold function in Saddle Stitcher SD-510.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , 12 18 , A3 , 11 17 , 8K , B4 , SRA4 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , B5 , A4 , 16K , 8.12 13.2 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 13 19 , Custom (380 to 488 mm), Custom (240 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Top face of output paper: -50 (Extend) to +50 (Shorten)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[06 Tri-Fold Adjustment]

[01 Tri-Fold Position Adjustment]

Adjust Fold 1 and Fold 2 positions for multi tri-folding in Saddle Stitcher SD-510.

Make this adjustment if each fold position for tri-folding is not within the allowance range.

Objects of adjustment:

8.5 11 , A4 , 16K

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (Extend) to +50 (Shorten)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (Shorten) to +50 (Extend)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Double Fold Plate Adjustment]

Adjust double fold plate in saddle stitcher.

Deepen in case of wide shift in bunch of the Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

8.5 11 , A4 , 16K

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Shallow) to +50 (Deep)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[07 Half-Fold Strength Adj.]

To adjust the opening of booklets, increase the roller pressure time.

* You cannot adjust the strength to fold booklets.

* Long pressure time causes reduced productivity.

Adjustment Range:

(Additional time) 0 to +10

(1 step = 1 sec)

[03 Staple Finisher (Punch) Adj.]

This menu item is to be displayed and configurable on Finisher FS-532 mounted with Punch Kit PK-522.

[01 Vertical Position Adj.(CD)]

Adjust the misalignment in center positions of paper and punch holes for each paper size.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , A4 , A4 , SRA4 , A5 , B4 , B5 , 8K , 16K , 16K , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.5 11 , 12 18 , 8.12 13.2 , 11 17 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 5.5 8.5 , 9 11 , B5

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Forward) to +50 (Backward)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Horizontal Position Adj.(FD)]

Adjust the distance between the edge of the printed paper and the center of punch holes.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , A4 , A4 , SRA4 , A5 , B4 , B5 , 8K , 16K , 16K , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.5 11 , 12 18 , 8.12 13.2 , 11 17 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 5.5 8.5 , 9 11 , B5

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Far) to +50 (Close)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Registration Adjustment]

If the punch position is not parallel to the paper edge, control the paper curl and wrinkle by adjusting the paper loop amount of the registration roller.

Adjustment Range:

-50 (Short) to +50 (Long)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Staple Finisher (PI) Adj.]

This menu item is to be displayed and configurable on Finisher FS-532 mounted with PostInserter PI-502.

[01 PI Registration Adjustment]

When paper fed from the upper or lower tray of PostInserter PI-502 has skew or wrinkle, or causes paper jam, adjust the paper loop of the registration roller.

Objects of adjustment:

PI Upper Tray, PI Lower Tray

Adjustment Range:

-5 (Short) to +5 (Long)

(1 step = 1.0 mm)

[04 Finisher Adjustment] (Folding Unit FD-503)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Folding Unit FD-503.

[02 Multi Folder Adjustment]

[01 Multi Folder (Punch) Adj.]

[01 Paper Width Adjustment]

Adjust the misalignment of punch hole positions.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 /, B5 /, A5 /, 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 /, 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K /, 9 11

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the randomness) to +20 (To reduce the tilts)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Punch Vertical Position Adj.]

[01 2-Hole Punch]

Adjust the vertical position of punch holes made by the folding unit.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 /, B5 /, A5 /, 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 /, 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K /, 9 11

Adjustment Range:

-40 (To move to the center) to +40 (To move to the edge)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 3-Hole Punch]

Adjust the vertical position of punch holes made by the folding unit.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 11 , 8K , 16K , 9 11

Adjustment Range:

-40 (To move to the center) to +40 (To move to the edge)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 4-Hole Punch]

Adjust the vertical position of punch holes made by the folding unit.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 11 , 8K , 16K , 9 11

Adjustment Range:

-40 (To move to the center) to +40 (To move to the edge)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Multi Folder(Fold) Adj.]

[01 Half-Fold Position Adj.]

Adjust the folded position for half-fold.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (To shorten the top face) to +50 (To lengthen the top face)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Tri-Fold-in Pos. Adj.]

Adjust the fold positions for tri-fold-in.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Tri-Fold-out Pos. Adj.]

Adjust the fold positions for tri-fold-out.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (To widen) to +50 (To narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Double Parallel Pos. Adj.]

Adjust the fold positions for double parallel folding.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[05 Z-Fold Position Adj.]

Adjust the fold positions for Z-folding.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[06 Gate Position Adj.]

Adjust the fold position for gate folding.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2 and Fold 3.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8K , Custom (380 to 458 mm), Custom (279 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -50 (To widen) to +50 (To narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 3: -50 (To narrow) to +50 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Finisher Adjustment] (Large Capacity Stacker LS-506)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Large Capacity Stacker LS-506.

[03 Stacker Adjustment]

[01 Paper Width Adjustment]

Adjust the position of adjustment plates if output sheets show misalignment in crosswise direction on the stacker tray.

Objects of adjustment:

Stacker No. 1, Stacker No. 2

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the dispersion) to +20 (To reduce the distortion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Paper Length Adjustment]

Adjust the position of the stopper if output sheets show misalignment in paper feed direction on the stacker tray.

Objects of adjustment:

Stacker No. 1, Stacker No. 2

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the dispersion) to +20 (To reduce the distortion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Finisher Adjustment] (Saddle Stitcher SD-506)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Saddle Stitcher SD-506.

[04 Saddle Stitcher Pos. Adj.]

[01 Staple Center Position]

Adjust the center position of staples determined by the saddle stitcher.

Prerequisite: Staple paper width adjustment is completed.

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To move closer to paper center) to +20 (To move away from paper center)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Staple Paper Width Adj.]

Adjust the width of adjustment plates of the saddle stitcher to be used in Staple mode.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K , Custom (380 to 463 mm), Custom (257 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range: -20 (To reduce the dispersion) to +20 (To reduce the distortion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Staple Pitch Adjustment]

Adjust the staple pitch determined by the saddle stitcher.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K , Custom (380 to 463 mm), Custom (257 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To shorten) to +20 (To lengthen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Half-Fold Position Adj.]

Adjust the fold position determined by the half-folder.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K , Custom (380 to 463 mm), Custom (257 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (To shorten the top face) to +50 (To lengthen the top face)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[05 Tri-Fold Position Adj.]

Adjust the folded positions in Tri-Fold mode.

Start with Fold 1, and then set Fold 2.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A4 , 8.5 11

Adjustment Range:

Fold 1: -100 (To widen) to +100 (To narrow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Fold 2: -100 (To narrow) to +100 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[07 Fold Paper Width Adj.]

Adjust the width of adjustment plates if half-folded or tri-folded sheets show misalignment.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K , PI, Custom (380 to 463 mm), Custom (257 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-50 (To reduce the misalignment) to +50 (To reduce the distortion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[08 Trimming Adjustment]

Adjust the trimming width.
The trim width should be more than 2.0 mm, otherwise the trimming operation may not be performed properly.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, SRA3 , A3 , B4 , SRA4 , A4 , B5 , 12 18 , 11 17 , 8.5 14 , 8.5 11 , 8.125 13.25 , 8.5 13 , 8.25 13 , 8 13 , 8K , 16K , Custom (380 to 463 mm), Custom (257 to 379 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-400 (To narrow) to +400 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[10 Trimmer Receiver Adj.]

Frequent trimming operations may cause damage to the receiver, resulting in trimming failures. Move the receiver automatically or manually.

*[Trimmer Receiver Adj.] is not displayed by default. To use this setting, please contact your service representative.

Objects of Adjustment: Trim Count

Adjustment Range: 700 times, 500 times, 300times


Objects of Adjustment: Move Pitch

Adjustment Range: 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm

[04 Finisher Adjustment] (Perfect Binder PB-503)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Perfect Binder PB-503.

[05 Perfect Binder Adjustment]

[01 Cover Trimming Adjustment]

Adjust the trimming width of the right cover sheet. To align the lead edges of left and right cover pages, be sure to perform Cover Lead Edge Adjustment in advance.

Objects of adjustment:

Perfect Binder Tray, Except PB Tray

Adjustment Range:

-128 (To narrow) to +127 (To widen)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Cover Lead Edge Adj.]

Adjust the position of the lead edge of the left cover sheet. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

PB Tray: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 , 8.5 11 , 16K , A5 , 5.5 8.5 , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Except PB Tray: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 , 8.5 11 , 16K , A5 , 5.5 8.5 , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-128 (To move closer to the body) to +127 (To move further from the body)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Spine Corner Forming Pos.]

Adjust the spine corners formed in cover sheets.

Objects of adjustment:

Up/Down Forward Adj., Up/Down Rear Adj.

Adjustment Range:

-128 (To convex) to +127 (To concave)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[04 Glue Start Position]

Adjust the position to start gluing on the body. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

Ahead: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Back: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-128 (To increase) to +127 (To decrease)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[05 Glue Finish Position]

Adjust the position to finish gluing on the body. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

Ahead: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Back: Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-128 (To decrease) to +127 (To increase)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[06 Temperature Adjustment]

Glue Tank -Low:

Adjust the temperature to control the tank heater.

Low temperature: increases glue viscosity, High temperature: decreases glue viscosity

Glue Apply Roller:

Adjust the temperature to control the roller heater. This also supports heating of the glue.

Low temperature: increases glue viscosity, High temperature: decreases glue viscosity

Objects of Adjustment: Glue Tank -Low

Initial: 185°C

Adjustment Range:

180°C (Down: viscosity increased) to 190°C (Up: viscosity decreased)

(1 step = 1°C)


Objects of Adjustment: Glue Apply Roller

Initial: 165°C

Adjustment Range:

160°C (Down: viscosity increased) to 170°C (Up: viscosity decreased)

(1 step = 1°C)

[07 Sub Compile CD Width Adj.]

Adjust the upside if output sheets cannot be aligned in sub compile section. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the distortion) to +20 (To reduce the dispersion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[08 Clamp CD Width Adjustment]

Adjust the upside if output sheets cannot be aligned in clamp section. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the distortion) to +20 (To reduce the dispersion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[09 Cover Up/Down CD Width Adj.]

Adjust the misalignment between the cover sheet and body.

Objects of adjustment:

Perfect Binder Tray, Except PB Tray

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the distortion) to +20 (To reduce the dispersion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[10 Clamp FD Position Adj.]

Adjust the width if there is misalignment in the body. The sizes referred to in this section are those of bodies corresponding to cover sizes.

Objects of adjustment:

Offset for All Size, A4 , B5 , A5 /, 8.5 11 , 5.5 8.5 , 16K , Custom (220 to 379 mm), Custom (148 to 219 mm)

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the distortion) to +20 (To reduce the dispersion)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 Finisher Adjustment] (Relay Unit RU-510)

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Relay Unit RU-510.

[06 Relay Stacker Adjustment]

[01 Paper Width Adjustment]

Adjust the position of alignment plates of Relay Unit (Relay Stacker) in the crosswise direction.

Align both ends of the output sheets in order to reduce the variation and misalignment of punch holes.

Adjustment Range:

-20 (To reduce the randomness) to +20 (To reduce the tilts)

(1 step = 0.1 mm)

[02 Paper Length Adjustment]

Adjust the position of alignment plates of Relay Unit (Relay Stacker) in the paper feed direction.

Adjust the stop position for the lead edge of output sheets in order to reduce the variation and misalignment of punch holes.

Adjustment Range:

-50 (To reduce the dispersion) to +50 (To reduce the tilts)

(1 step = 0.1 mm)

[05 Scan Adjustment]

Make adjustments related to the scanning function.

[01 Restart Timing Adjustment]

Adjust the scan starting position when scanning the original on the original glass.

Adjustment Range:

-30 (Image Fast) to +30 (Image Slow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 Centering Adjustment]

Adjust the image position in the crosswise direction when scanning the original on the original glass.

Prerequisite: Printer Centering Adjustment is completed.

Objects of adjustment:

Orig. Glass Centering

Adjustment Range:

-57 (Front) to +57 (Back)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[03 FD-Mag. Adjustment]

Adjust the magnification in feed direction when scanning the original on the original glass.

Prerequisite: Printer FD-Mag. Adjustment is completed.

Adjustment Range:

990 (Short) to 1010 (Long)

(1 step = x 0.001)

[04 CD-Mag. Adjustment]

Adjust the crosswise direction when scanning the original on the original glass.

Prerequisite: Printer FD-Mag. Adjustment is completed.

Adjustment Range:

990 (Short) to 1010 (Long)

(1 step = x 0.001)

[06 Process Adjustment]

[01 Front & Back Density]

Specify the adjustment value for front and back transfer output voltage automatically set by the machine.

Objects of adjustment:

1st Transfer Y, 1st Transfer M, 1st Transfer C, 1st Transfer K, 1st Transfer (Monochrome), 2nd Transfer Front, 2nd Transfer Back

Adjustment Range: -30 to +30

[02 Toner Density Sensor Speed]

Readjust the voltage value to control the toner density for Line Speed 2 or Line Speed 3 in order to correct problems caused by unstable toner density such as image fogging and toner scattering.

Objects of adjustment:

Line Speed 2, Line Speed 3

[03 Maximum Density Adjustment]

Adjust the maximum density for each of Y, M, C, and K. The machine will start the Gamma Automatic Adjustment after you change the maximum density. When the Gamma Automatic Adjustment is completed, proceed to the calibration with the image controller.

Be sure to perform Color Density Manual Control after changing the maximum density.

Yellow: -10 (Light) to +10 (Dark)

Magenta: -10 (Light) to +10 (Dark)

Cyan: -10 (Light) to +10 (Dark)

Black: -10 (Light) to +10 (Dark)

[04 1st Transfer Dis-elec. Pole Output]

Sets the discharging voltage to measure the AC/DC current values of the 1st Transfer Dis-elec. Pole Output of each color (Y/M/C/K).

Yellow: Standard, Condition1, Condition2

Magenta: Standard, Condition1, Condition2

Cyan: Standard, Condition1, Condition2

Black: Standard, Condition1, Condition2

[05 Execute Scattering Filter Cleaning]

Manually clean the filter which absorbs the developer scattered inside the machine. Use this function as a means to assist the automatic cleaning.


[07 Quality Adjustment]

Adjust the image quality.

[01 Printer Gamma Offset Adj.]

Change the printer gamma curve to adjust the gradation and background density in highlights.

Screen 1 (Y, M, C, K)

Screen 2 (Y, M, C, K)

Contone (Y, M, C, K)

Stochastic (Y, M, C, K)

Adjustment Range: -128 (lighter) to +127 (darker)

[02 Printer Gamma Offset Auto.]

Change the printer gamma curve automatically to adjust the gradation and background density in highlights.

Screen 1 (Y, M, C, K)

Screen 2 (Y, M, C, K)

Stochastic (Y, M, C, K)

[03 Printer Gamma Sensor Adj.]

Adjust the IDC sensor using a scanner.

Screen 1, Screen 2, Contone, Stochastic

[04 Stabilization Adj. Setting]

Set the frequency of density correction.

Density Correction: -2 (Low Frequency) to +2 (High Frequency)

[05 Custom Screen]

Select a screen to be used for Screen 1, Screen 2, and Stochastic, respectively.

Screen 1: Dot270, Dot210, Dot190, Dot175, Dot150, Dot130, Line200, Line180, Line150

Screen 2: Dot270, Dot210, Dot190, Dot175, Dot150, Dot130, Line200, Line180, Line150

Stochastic: FM1, FM2, FM3

[06 Controller Image Comp. Set]

Make this setting to smooth the jagged outlines of the text or line images.

Image Compression (1200 dpi): Gradation Priority, Resolution Priority

[07 Print Gamma Offset Auto. (RU)]

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Relay Unit RU-511.

Make the printer gamma offset adjustment automatically using the color density sensor attached to the optional Relay Unit RU-511.

Screen 1 (Y, M, C, K)

Screen 2 (Y, M, C, K)

Stochastic (Y, M, C, K)

[08 Printer Gamma Sens. Adj.(RU)]

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Relay Unit RU-511.

Make an adjustment for the color density sensor attached to the optional Relay Unit RU-511.

Screen 1, Screen 2, Contone, Stochastic

[09 Tone Curve for Each Tag Setting]

Select whether or not to allow tone curve adjustment for each tag (image, text/graphic).

Execute Each Tag Adj., Do Not Execute Adjustment

[08 Execute Adjust Operation]

Execute each of the four adjustment operations manually.

Gamma Automatic Adj., Color Registration Adj., Toner Refresh Mode, Fusing Refresh Mode, Drum Refresh Mode, Lubrication Brush Refresh Mode

[09 ADF Adjustment]

[01 ADF Original Stop Pos. Adj.]

Adjust the position to start scanning on the ADF and the image position in the crosswise direction.

Prerequisite: FD-Mag. Adjustment should be completed before adjusting the position to start scanning. Printer Centering Adjustment should be completed before adjusting the image position.

Objects of adjustment:

Restart Timing (Front), Restart Timing (Back)

Adjustment Range:

-40 (Image Fast) to +40 (Image Slow)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

Objects of adjustment:

Centering (Front), Centering (Back)

Adjustment Range:

-44 (Image Forward) to +44 (Image Backward)

(1 step=0.1 mm)

[02 ADF Orig. Stop Pos. Auto]

Automatically adjust the position to start scanning on the ADF and the image position in crosswise direction.

Prerequisite: FD-Mag. Adjustment should be completed before adjusting the position to start scanning. Printer Centering Adjustment should be completed before adjusting the image position.

Objects of adjustment:

Restart Timing (Front), Restart Timing (Back)

Centering (Front), Centering (Back)

[03 FD-Mag. Adjustment]

Adjust the magnification in paper feed direction when scanning on the ADF

Prerequisite: Printer FD-Mag. Adjustment is completed.

Objects of adjustment:


Adjustment Range:

-20 (Short) to +20 (Long)
(1 step = 0.1%)

[04 FD-Mag. Auto Adjustment]

Adjust the magnification in paper feed direction when scanning on the ADF

Objects of adjustment:


[05 Line Detection Setting]

Set the detection level of white lines, warning display, and whether or not to stop the scanning of the original using ADF.

Detection Level: Strict, Medium, Mild, OFF

Warning Display: Icon + Warning Display, Icon, Warning Display

Scan Prohibit Set.:Allow, Restrict

[10 Corner Staple (Back) Angle]

Select between diagonal and parallel stapling on the left corner.

Diagonal, Parallel

[06 List/Counter]

Output the mode memory list or the audit log report. Also, collectively save the data mentioned above on the USB flash drive connected to the USB port.

Mode Memory List, User Management List, Use Management List, Font Pattern List, Audit Log Report

[07 Size Setting]

Specify the settings related to paper sizes of the originals to be placed on the original glass or ADF, or of the paper placed in the post inserter.

[01 Detect Orig. Size on Glass]

Table 1, Table 2

[02 K Size]

Specify whether or not to use the K sizes such as 8K and 16K.

Use, Not Use

[03 ADF/Orig. Glass Priority]

Specify the standard sizes which cannot be detectable from the ADF or original glass.

8.5 14 , 8 13 , 8.12 13.2 , 8.25 13 , 8.5 13

[04 A4 Tab Width Setting]

Select the tab width of A4-size tab paper.

12.7 mm, 15.0 mm

[08 Annotation Setting]

Register, edit or delete the Annotation setting.

[09 Perfect Binder Setting]

This menu item is to be displayed and allowed on the machine mounted with Perfect Binder PB-503.

[01 Usable Paper Weight Select]

Set the paper weight available for body and cover paper, respectively, when using the perfect binder.

Usable Paper Weight Select

Body: 62-74g/m2 / 16-19 lb Bond, 75-80g/m2 / 20-21 lb Bond, 81-91g/m2 / 22-24 lb Bond, 92-105g/m2 / 25-28 lb Bond

Cover: 81-91g/m2 / 22-24 lb Bond, 92-105g/m2 / 25-28 lb Bond, 106-135g/m2 / 29-36 lb Bond, 136-176g/m2 / 37-47 lb Bond, 177-216g/m2 / 48-57 lb Bond

Change Weight Unit

g/m2, Duodecimo-Kg, Octavo-Kg, lb Bond, lb Index, lb Cover

[02 Paper Count Limit for PB]

Specify the minimum and maximum numbers of sheets to be bound as a body, individually for each paper weight.

This setting can be made individually for two paper types: Plain and Fine/Color Specific/Coated.


62-74 g/m2 / 16-19 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 200, 250, 270, 300

75-80 g/m2 / 20-21 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 200, 250, 270, 300

81-91 g/m2 / 22-24 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 200, 250, 270, 300

92-105 g/m2 / 25-28 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 200, 250, 270, 300

Fine/Color Specific/Coated:

62-74 g/m2 / 16-19 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 110, 120, 130, 140, 150

75-80 g/m2 / 20-21 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 110, 120, 130, 140, 150

81-91 g/m2 / 22-24 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 110, 120, 130, 140, 150

92-105 g/m2 / 25-28 lb Bond

Minimum Quantity: 10, 15, 20, 25

Maximum Quantity: 110, 120, 130, 140, 150

Change Weight Unit

g/m2, Duodecimo-Kg, Octavo-Kg, lb Bond, lb Index, lb Cover

[03 Unfitting Cover Stop]

Specify whether or not to stop the current job when the cover width is not suitable for the body size and spine thickness.

Temporary Stop, Not Temporary Stop

[10 Operation Screen Customize]

[01 Font Weight Setting]

Select the font weight for the screen.

Standard, Bold

[02 Copy Screen Customize Set]

Change the layout of setting items displayed on the upper half of the [COPY] screen.


[03 Scan Screen Customize Set]

Change the layout of setting items that are displayed on the Scan Settings screen.


[04 Machine Function Key Setting]

Change the layout of function keys displayed on the [MACHINE] screen.


[02 Administrator Registration]

Register the name, extension number, and e-mail address of the administrator. The administrator name and extension number are always displayed in the upper-right corner of the [UTILITY] screen.

Admin. Name Setting (up to 8 characters), Extension No. Setting (up to 5 digits), E-mail Address Setting

[03 Scan Address Register]

[01 Address Edit]

Add or delete a destination. Also, edit registered information of a destination.


[02 E-mail Title Setting]

Register up to 5 E-mail subjects.


[03 E-mail Text Setting]

Register up to 5 E-mail texts.


[04 User Auth./Account Track]

Specify whether or not to use the user authentication and account track functions. You can also specify or change the conditions in authentication.

[01 Authentication Method]

Specify the authentication method of the user authentication and account track.

User Authentication: ON (External Serv), ON (MFP), OFF

Public User: Allow, Restrict

Account Track: ON, OFF

Account Track Input Method: Account + Password, Password

Synchronize User/Account Track: Synchronize, Not Synchronize

User Distribute Number

Upper Limit Achieve Movement: Stop Immediately, Stop After Print, Warning Only

Ticket Hold Time Setting: 1 minute to 600 minutes

Count Sample Print*: ON, OFF

*Available on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

[02 User Authentication Setting]

[01 Management Setting]

Specify whether or not to display the user name list on the authentication screen. Also place the default function permissions on users for the authentication by an external server.

User Name List: ON, OFF

Default Function Permission

Copy: Allow, Restrict

Scan: Allow, Restrict

Print: Allow, Restrict

HDD Hold Operation: Allow, Restrict

[02 User Registration]

Add, change, or delete entries of users to be allowed in user authentication.

User No., User Name, Password, E-mail Address, Account Name, Max. Allowance Set, Usable Function (Copy, Scan, Print, HDD Hold, IC Card Registration, Output Permission (Print)(Color, Black))

[03 User Counter]

View or reset the count for each user.


[03 Account Track]

[01 Account Track Registration]

Change, add, or delete accounts to be tracked.

Account Number, Account Name, Password, Max. Allowance Set, Usable Functions (Copy, Scan, Print, HDD Hold), Output Permission (Color, Black)

[02 Account Track Counter]

View or reset the count for each account track.


[04 Print without Authentication]

Specify whether to make print function and pull scan function available to users without authentication.

Print: Allow, Restrict

Pull Scan: Allow, Restrict

[05 Auth. Device Setting]

[01 Auth. Unit Selection]

Specify the type of IC card used for entering credentials. Also, specify the authentication method.

IC Card Type: FeliCa, TypeA, SSFC, FCF, FCF (Campus)

Operation Setting: IC Card Authentication, IC Card + Password Authentication

[06 External Server Setting]

Register an external server, or edit or delete a registered server when ON (External Serv) is selected as the Authentication Method.


[07 User/Account Common Setting]

Specify whether or not to display a logout confirmation dialog.

Logout confirmation Display: ON, OFF

[05 Network Setting]

[01 NIC Setting]

Configure various NIC settings.

For Image Controller IC-602:
TCP/IP Setting, Netware Setting, HTTP Server Setting, WebDAV Setting, FTP Setting, SNMP Setting, SMB Setting, AppleTalk Setting, Bonjour Setting, E-mail Setting, TCP Socket Setting, OpenAPI Setting, Web Service Setting, JSP Setting, LDAP Setting, IEEE802.1X Authentication Setting, Hot Folder Setting, Advanced Setting
For Image Controller IC-310/Image Controller IC-308:
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway Address, DNS Server1, DNS Server2, Line Speed Setting: Auto, 10M Half Duplex, 10M Full Duplex, 100M Half Duplex, 100M Full Duplex

[02 E-mail Initial Setting]

Configure initial settings for e-mail or perform transmitting/receiving test.

Use E-mail System: ON, OFF

Time Zone, Trans (SMTP) Mail Server, SMTP Port Number, Trans Mail Server Timeout, New-arrival Check Interval, Receive Mail Server

Receive Mail Server Types: POP3, IMAP

POP3/IMAP Port Number, Receive Mail Account, Receive Mail Password, E-mail Address for Machine

POP (IMAP) before SMTP Auth.: ON, OFF

SSL Encryption of SMTP: ON, OFF

SSL Encryption of POP(IMAP) : ON, OFF

SMTP Authentication: ON, OFF

SMTP Authentication User ID, SMTP Authentication Password

[03 http Communication Setting]

Configure the http communication settings.

Enable Proxy Server: ON, OFF

Proxy Server Address, Proxy Server Port

Enable SSL, Enable Authentication: ON, OFF

Authentication User Name, Authentication Password

[06 Common Setting]

[One Shot Message Indication Time]

Select the time span to display a shot message in the message area of the touch panel.

3 seconds, 5 seconds

[Offset by Job Unit]

Specify whether or not to offset the output sheets by job. Also specify the number of jobs to be offset when selecting ON for this function.

ON, OFF (Selecting ON: Offset Job Number, Initial Value: 1)

[Continuation Print]

Specify whether or not to output multiple reserve jobs in succession without stopping the machine at a job break.

Copy ON, Copy OFF, Printer ON, Printer OFF

[Stop Button Function]

Specify whether to pause or abort a job when Stop is pressed on the control panel.

Job Temp. Stop, Job Stop

[Back Side Magnification Adjustment]

Select whether or not to activate the back side magnification adjustment mode for both sides adjust.


[Fusing Stability] (On switching the trays)

Select what to prioritize when fusing.

Best Quality, Better Quality, Speed

[Prior Paper Type]

Specify the temperature setting of the fusing section on standby. It can shorten the waiting time before printing by selecting a frequently used paper.

Others, Coated

[Dash Length (Page Stamp)]

Select the length of the dash to be used in a style of [Page No.] in [Stamp].

This setting is enabled on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

Long, Short

[Center Crop Mark Trim Margin]

Specify the space between the center crop mark and image area (center crop mark trim margin).

0.0 mm to 20.0 mm (default: 1.0)

[Schedule Cross Axis Unit (Default)]

Select the unit of horizontal axis on the [Schedule] screen.

This setting is displayed to function on the machine mounted with Image Controller IC-602.

Timetable, Time Frame (m), Sheet Volume

[Hold Job Status after Output (Default)]

Select the default value to delete or save the data of hold job after outputting.

Delete, Save

[Destination for HDD Recall (Default)]

Select the default destination for the job data recalled from the HDD.

Print, Hold, Print&Hold,

[Offset Output Mode]

Specify how to offset the output sets.

Change Out Pos., Partition Paper (Tray 1 to Tray 9, PI 1, PI 2), Stop Print

[Needless Tab Paper Exit]

Specify whether or not to automatically discharge the oddments of tabbed sheets loaded in a tray as a set for copy job.


[Remaining Memory (Measurement Unit)]

Select the unit of displaying the remaining memory.

%, GB

[Remaining Memory (Warning)]

Select the percentage at which to give warning when the remaining memory is low.

5 % or Less, 10 % or Less

[07 Copy Setting]

[Fold & Staple Auto Selection]

Specify whether or not to automatically set the Booklet mode when Fold & Staple mode is selected.


[Orig. Glass Auto Size Select]

Specify whether or not to automatically select the same size of copy paper as the original when placed on the original glass.


[ADF Auto Size Select]

Specify whether or not to automatically select the same size of copy paper as the original when placed on the ADF.


[Auto Zoom (Original Glass)]

Specify whether or not to automatically set an appropriate magnification ratio to correspond to the selected paper size when detecting the original size placed on the original glass.


[Auto Zoom (ADF)]

Specify whether or not to automatically set an appropriate magnification ratio to correspond to the selected paper size when detecting the original size placed on the ADF.


[Non-Image Area Erase]

Specify the condition of Non-Image Area Erase function.

ON, APS/AMS, Except Orig. Glass (1:1)

[ADF Frame Erase]

Set to erase the frame when copying in ADF mode.

None, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm

[Interruption Suspend Setting]

Set the timing to interrupt the current job when pressing Interrupt while copying.

Stop Immediately, WhenCurrentComp.

[Printer Prohibit Timer]

Set the time interval to suspend the print job via PC after the last operation of touch keys.

OFF, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds

[Orig./Out Bind Direction Set]

Set whether or not to conform the bind direction in Output Setting with that specified in Original Setting.


[Specify Default Tray APS OFF]

Specify the tray to be automatically selected when APS (Auto Paper) is canceled.

APS Tray, Tray 1 to Tray 9

(Selectable tray options vary depending on the option configuration.) )

[Scan Stop by Pull Out Tray]

Select whether or not to stop the scanning operation if any tray is pulled out.


[08 Scan Setting]

[File Type Default E-mail]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to E-mail.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

* This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default HDD]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to HDD. (This is not available on this machine.)

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[File Type Default FTP]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to FTP.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

*This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default SMB]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to SMB.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS*, Divided XPS*, JPEG

*This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[File Type Default WebDAV ]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to WebDAV.

This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[File Type Default USB]

Select the default value of [File Type] for Scan to USB.

This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

Package PDF, Divided PDF, Package TIFF, Divided TIFF, Package XPS, Divided XPS, JPEG

[Default Address]

Select the default value (destination type) of the screen on which the addresses are set.

E-mail, HDD, FTP, SMB, WebDAV*2, Queue*1 , USB Memory*2

*1:This is available only when Image Controller IC-310 or Image Controller IC-308 is mounted.

*2:This is available only when Image Controller IC-602 is mounted.

[Compress Method Color/Gray]

Select the default value of the level to compress data.

High Comp., Standard, Low Comp.

[09 System Connection]

[01 Administrator Call]

Press [Start] to call your service representative via CS Remote Care.


[10 Security Setting]

[01 Administrator Password]

Change the administrator password.

Be sure to change the administrator password.


[02 HDD Management Setting]

[01 HDD Lock Password]

Change the HDD lock password.


[02 Delete Temp. Data Setting]

Specify whether or not to overwrite the temporary image data on the memory, and also the erase mode for deleting temporary data.

Setting Switch: ON, OFF

Erase Mode: Mode 1, Mode 2

[03 Delete All Data Setting]

Select the desired erase mode to delete all the data on the HDD or the non-volatile memory of this machine. Also execute deleting all the data.

Erase Mode: Mode 1 to 8

Execute Deletion

[04 Delete hold Job]

Use this function to delete hold jobs.


[05 Delete HDD Job]

Use this function to delete the jobs saved on the HDD.


[06 HDD Restore/Backup]

Make a backup of, or restore the HDD.

[01 HDD ALL Backup]

Create a backup of all the hold job and HDD job saved on the HDD onto an external storage medium connected to the USB port.


[02 HDD ALL Restore]

Restore the backup data created using [HDD ALL Backup].


[03 HDD BOX Backup]

Create a backup of the jobs in the backup folder of the HDD job onto an external medium connected to the USB port.


[04 HDD BOX Restore]

Restore the backup data created using [HDD BOX Backup].


[05 Controller Backup]

Create a backup of setting data saved on the Image Controller IC-602 onto an external storage medium connected to the USB port.


[06 Controller Restore]

Restore the backup data created using [Controller Backup].


[07 HDD Encryption Setting]

Set whether or not to save all jobs saved on the HDD upon encrypting them, and set the encryption password.
* HDD encryption setting is not displayed by default. To use this setting, please contact your service representative.


[07 Hold Job Auto Delete Period]

Set the time when the jobs on hold are automatically deleted.

Not Delete, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days

[03 Enhanced Security Mode]

Specify whether or not to activate the Enhanced Security mode.


[11 OpenAPI Auth. Management]

Register/Check the restriction code.

Index, Vendor, Application