Home ApplicationColor Centro : Application of Image Controller IC-602 for color managementAlternative ColorOperate on the Alternative Color Management ScreenSpecify an Input Color


Specify an Input Color

This section describes how to set the selected original color (input color) and how to adjust the added input color.

When you don't need to set the selected input color or the added input color, go to Adjustment of an Output Color.

The current setting can be stored for the selected input color. When you want to create the new setting on base of the selected setting, make the duplication of it and adjust the duplication. For details about how to copy the alternative color setting and how to delete it, refer to Management of Alternative Color Settings.

  1. Check [CMYK(0-255)].

    • By checking this item, you can specify the input color using device values in the range from 0 to 255.

    • When you remove the check, you can specify the input color using percentage. In the [RGB] tab, the RGB value is not displayed in percentage.

  2. Specify the RGB/CMYK values for the selected input color, in the input boxes below [Adjust] - [Original].

    According to the settings, the preview area of [Adjust] - [Original] and [Original] on the list are updated.

    • If you selected the [RGB] tab and checked [RGB(0%-100%)], set the RGB values in the range of 0 to 100.

    • If you selected the [RGB] tab and removed the check from [RGB(0%-100%)], set the RGB values in the range of 0 to 255.

    • If you selected the [RGB] tab and checked [CMYK(0-255)], set the CMYK values in the range of 0 to 255.

    • If you selected the [RGB] tab and removed the check from [CMYK(0-255)], set the CMYK values in the range of 0 to 100.

    • If you selected the [CMYK] tab and checked [CMYK(0-255)], set the value for each color in the range of 0 to 255.

    • If you selected the [CMYK] tab and removed the check from [CMYK(0-255)], set the value for each color in the range of 0 to 100.

    • If the value is displayed in percentage, you can enter a value to the first decimal place.

    • Similar operation can be done when you change the RGB/CMYK values on the right of [Original] of the list.

    • If the input color is (R,G,B)=(0,0,0) or K=100%, you must set [Pure Black] to [OFF] on the printer driver in order to enable the Alternative Color function.

  3. Confirm the preview of [Original], and repeat from Step 1 to Step 2 as required.