Home ApplicationColor Centro : Application of Image Controller IC-602 for color managementTone Curve AdjustmentOperate on the Tone Curve Adjustmen ScreenManagement of Tone CurvesDelete Tone Curves


Delete Tone Curves

You can delete the tone curve.

  1. From the tree view and the list of [Tone Curve Management] screen, select the tone curve to delete.

    • When you reload the information of the image controller connected currently, select [File] menu - [Reload].

    • You can delete the multiple tone curves.

  2. Click [Delete].

    The [Check Deletion] message is displayed.

    • Similar operation can be done when you select [File] menu - [Delete].

  3. To delete, click [OK].

    The selected tone curve is deleted.

    • When you select the multiple tone curves, all of those are deleted at a time.

    • You cannot restore the tone curve you have deleted.