Home ApplicationColor Centro : Application of Image Controller IC-602 for color managementBasic Information of Color CentroConnect Printer ScreenChange the List Display


Change the List Display

You can change the list display on the [Connect Printer] screen.

  1. Right-click the header of the list to display the menu.

  2. Check the items to be included in the list.

    The items checked are now included in the list.

    • By default, the [Device Name], [IP Address], and [Printer Name] are displayed.

    • To sort the data by item, click the header of the column. You can switch between ascending order and descending order by clicking.

    • To change the order of columns, drag and drop the header of a column to the desired spot.

    • To change the width of a column, drag and drop the left side of the header of the column to the desired width.