Home ApplicationColor Centro : Application of Image Controller IC-602 for color managementSpot ColorOperate on the Spot Color ScreenManagement of Spot Color TablesCopy a Spot Color Table


Copy a Spot Color Table

The spot color table registered at factory shipping in the image controller cannot be adjusted and overwritten. When you want to adjust the spot color table registered at factory shipping, load the duplication of it which was made beforehand and adjust the duplication.

  1. From the tree view of [Spot Color Table Management] screen, select [Controller].

    The list appears according to the selection.

  2. From the list, select the spot color table to copy.

    • When you reload the information of the image controller connected currently, select [File] menu - [Reload].

  3. Click [Copy].

    Displays the [COPY] screen.

    • When a folder other than [Controller] is selected on the tree view, [Copy] is not available.

    • Similar operation can be done when you select [File] menu - [Copy].

  4. Enter [Table Name] and [Memo].
    Up to 31 one-byte characters can be entered to [Table Name]. Up to 64 one-byte characters (32 two-byte characters) can be entered to [Memo].

    • You can save the spot color table of the same name with those in the image controller.

  5. Click [OK].

    The duplication of the spot color table is generated in the image controller.

    • The priority of the duplicated spot color table becomes the top among the spot color tables with the same prefix (group). When you change the priority of the spot color table in the image controller, refer to Change the Priority of a Spot Color Table.