Home ApplicationColor Centro : Application of Image Controller IC-602 for color managementSpot ColorOperate on the Spot Color ScreenManagement of Spot Color TablesDelete a Spot Color Table


Delete a Spot Color Table

You can delete the spot color table.

  1. From the tree view and the list of [Spot Color Table Management] screen, select the spot color table to delete.

    • When you reload the information of the image controller connected currently, select [File] menu - [Reload].

  2. Click [Delete].

    The [Check Deletion] message is displayed.

    • Similar operation can be done when you select [File] menu - [Delete].

    • When you select the spot color table which was registered at factory shipping, [Delete] is not available.

  3. To delete, click [OK].

    The selected spot color table is deleted.

    • You cannot restore the spot color table you have deleted.