Adjust a Spot Color Manually

You can adjust the CMYK values of the spot color on Spot Color screen. The adjustment result is reflected in the preview in a timely manner. The colors before and after adjustment can be printed for comparison.

To adjust the spot color manually, use Spot Color screen.

  1. On the Spot Color screen, select a spot color, and then change its CMYK values.

    According to the settings, the preview area of Manual Adjustment - After Adjustment and After Adjustment on the list are updated.

    • supplementary explanationFor each color, specify the value (from 0 to 100).

    • supplementary explanationIf you entered a value with second or later decimal place, the second decimal place is rounded and the value is displayed up to the first decimal place.

    • supplementary explanationSimilar operation can be done when you change the value of C(%), M(%), Y(%) and K(%) of the list on the Spot Color screen.

  2. Confirm the preview of After Adjustment, and repeat Step 1 as required.

  3. Click Test Print.

    Confirmation Print screen appears.

  4. Set the Copies, Paper Tray, and Screen Settings.

    • supplementary explanationIn the Screen Setting, select the screen type to be used for printing.

  5. Click Print.

    Test printing is executed.

  6. Confirm the test printing and repeat Step 1 to Step 5 as required.