Adjust the output color (CMYK).
Use the output chart to fine-adjust the output color. This is a general adjustment method to make adjustments while checking the color tone of the output charts.
The following setting is required to use this function.
A color chart that is changed in 8 steps depending on the change amount (%) with the CMYK value specified using the current output color as the central value is displayed every 9 groups of which the CMYK change method is different.
In [Screen Settings], select the screen used for printing.
The selected color is highlighted in the color chart preview, and displayed in the [Adjust] preview and the [After Adjustment] of the alternative color data list.
You can create multiple alternative colors, and register them as a single alternative color table.
If multiple alternative colors are created in a single alternative color table, set the priority order.
For details about how to register an alternative color table, refer to [Register].