Home TroubleshootingThe media-break sensor malfunctions.

The media-break sensor malfunctions.

If the conveyance stops even though no media break is found, check the following:



The surface of the media-break sensor is not clean.

Clean the surface of the media-break sensor with a clean soft cloth.

Images are printed in the area to be checked.

The sensor may malfunction if an area where images are printed continuously is specified as a detection area.

Specify a blank area at the inner end of the media.

The sensor malfunctions even though a blank area is specified as a detection area.

If the media-break sensor LED switches between green and orange at short intervals during the continuous operation, the media-break sensor may be damaged.

Contact your service representative.

A meandering paper has occurred.

For details, refer to If a Meandering Has Occurred. Fix the meandering, and then start operation.

Foil paper is used.

This machine does not support foil paper. Replace the media.

The media on the winding shaft is loose.

Wind the media manually to remove the looseness.