Auto Trapping: Preventing White Space Generated around Image

About Auto Trapping

This function overlays colors by a few dots in parts, for example, text and figure or figure and figure, in which adjacent colors are different. This prevents a white space from occurring between adjacent colors.

Auto trapping setting (PS Plug-in driver)

  • Outline Process: Auto Trapping

The Windows 7 screen is used for explanation purposes.

  1. Click the Imaging tab.

  2. Select the Auto Trapping check box in Outline Process.

  3. Select Text/Graphics or Text/Graphics/Image as a setting target.

  4. Click OK to make prints.

Auto trapping setting (PPD driver)

  • Auto Trapping

The Windows 7 screen is used for explanation purposes.

  1. Click Advanced.

  2. Set Auto Trapping to On.

  3. Click OK to make prints.