Home WorkflowExecuting the Exact Color Calibration Wizard

Executing the Exact Color Calibration Wizard

By following the wizard, you can create a correction table with the Exact Color function and apply the correction table as feedback to the controller for enhanced color reproduction accuracy.

  1. On the [Calibration Manager] screen, click [Execute Wizard of Exact Color] under [3. Exact Color].

    The wizard for executing the Exact Color function starts and displays the [Operation steps] screen.

  2. On the [Operation steps] screen, click [Next].

    The [1. Create of current table (ExCol)] screen is displayed.

  3. Click [Print].

    Print the color chart that is to be measured using the instrument.

    A test chart is printed.

  4. Cut out a printed test chart from the media core of Roll Winder RW-201.

  5. Click [Start].

  6. Measure the chart using the instrument. After you finish the chart measurement, click [Next].

    Example: Measurement is performed using i1Pro.

    After the message, [Calculating] is displayed, the [Operation steps] screen is displayed.

  7. On the [Operation steps] screen, click [Next].

    The [2. Accuracy Measurement(ExCol) Enhancement of a correction table(FB1)] screen is displayed.

  8. Click [Print].

    Print the color chart that is to be measured using the instrument.

    A test chart is printed.

  9. Cut out a printed test chart from the media core of Roll Winder RW-201.

  10. Click [Start].

  11. Measure the chart using the instrument. After you finish the chart measurement, click [Next].

    The [Operation steps] screen is displayed.

  12. Click [Next] and perform the rest of the measurement (FB2, FB3) by following the instructions on the screen.

    Measurements are performed with the same procedure for [3. Accuracy Measurement(ExCol) Enhancement of a correction table (FB2)], [4. Accuracy Measurement(ExCol) Enhancement of a correction table (FB3)], and [5. Accuracy Measurement (FB3)] in sequence.

  13. After the measurement for [5. Accuracy Measurement(FB3)], click [OK] on the [Operation steps] screen.

  14. On the [Calibration Manager] screen, select the measurement data and check the graphs. After selecting the data to be registered, click [Register the selected result.].

    • By registering the acquired calibration data in the image controller, this data can be applied when printing.

  15. Click [Yes] on the [Information] screen.

    The calibration table is registered in the image controller.