Home WorkflowEditing Spot Color Information with Color Centro

Editing Spot Color Information with Color Centro

Start Color Centro, and edit a spot color.

  1. Start Color Centro and log in to the machine. (Refer to Start Color Centro.)

    The Color Centro launcher screen is displayed.

  2. Click [Spot Color] on the launcher screen.

    The [Spot Color] screen is displayed.

  3. Click [Table].

    The [Spot Color Table Management] screen is displayed.

  4. Select [Controller] from the tree on the left side of the screen. From the right side of the screen, select the spot color table that you want to edit, and click [Open].

    Example: [Controller] is selected to open the color table [PANTONE].

    • The default spot color table has an asterisk (*) at the end of its name.

    The spot colors in the spot color table are listed on the [Spot Color] screen.

  5. From the list, select the spot color that you want to edit.

    Example: "PANTONE 300C" is selected.

    The selected spot color name is displayed on the [Spot Color] screen.

  6. Set the spot color's CMYK value. Check the [Prefix] and [Color Name], and click [Save].

    The colors being adjusted are displayed in the [After Adjustment] column.

    Example: The spot color's CMYK value is set to "M100%."







    • When printing, the spot color name is presented as [Prefix] + [Color Name], for example, like "PANTONE 300C" displayed in [Color Name] on the spot color list. For this reason, you need to match the color name to be specified on the application side with the machine's "Prefix + Color Name." If the two names are not the same, the specified spot color cannot be used.

    • The [Table Name] can be different from the [Prefix].

    • The same [Prefix] can be used for multiple spot color tables. If the same color name existed among multiple spot color tables, the spot color table that is listed higher on the [Spot Color Table Management] screen (Step 4) is prioritized.

    The Spot Color Table [Save] screen is displayed.

  7. After checking the spot color table name, select a [Destination Folder] and click [Save].

    To use the edited spot color, save the spot color table to [Controller]. Selecting [Controller] saves the spot color to the image controller.

    Example: The name of the spot color table is "PANTONE" (unchanged).

    • If you edit and save the default spot color table, it is saved with a name without the asterisk.

    • If you want to edit a spot color table other than the default spot color table and save under the same name, select [overwrite save] or [New save with the same name].

  8. Change the order of table names.

    • You can change the priority of tables on the [Spot Color Table Management] screen. After selecting a table from the list, click / under [Priority] at the bottom left.

  9. After checking that the spot color is saved, close the screen by selecting [Close] from the [File] menu.