Adjust the color balance by individually or mutually setting the 4 colors: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K).
This function allows you to adjust the color balance in the [All] area for each color, and also adjust it for each density area ([Light], [Mid], or [Shadow]).
Color | Original | Output |
Cyan (C) All density | ||
Magenta (M) All density | ||
Yellow (Y) All density | ||
Black (K) All density |
Check the density of the part you want to adjust in the original, and select the corresponding density area of the color to be adjusted.
[Light]: Adjusts the low-density part for each color.
[Mid]: Adjusts the middle-density part for each color.
[Shadow]: Adjusts the high-density part for each color.
[All]: Adjusts all the density areas.
Press [,] or [+] to adjust the color intensity in the range of -10 to +10.
To return to the default, set the numeric value to "0". To return all the colors and density areas to the defaults, press [Default Set].
After adjustment, you can press [Adj.Proof Copy] and make a copy to check the adjustment result.