Changing the default CMYK color conversion setting

On CMYK tab - Color Default Settings screen, you can set the default settings for the conversion processing when the input data is CMYK.

  1. Click CMYK tab.

    CMYK tab appears.

  2. When you do not perform color conversion, select Off.

  3. When you use a CMYK-CMYK device link profile, select CMYK-CMYK Device Link Profile. Then, select a CMYK-CMYK device link profile for each of Image, Graphic, and Text.

  4. When you use a CMYK target profile, select CMYK Target Profile. Then, select a CMYK target profile.

    • supplementary explanationThe setting of this item is not applied, if you select Use Embedded CMYK Profile on the Optional Settings tab.

  5. To use the paper simulation, check Paper Simulation.