Upload the job on the computer in a hold job, secure job, or HDD job.
The file uploaded to a folder can be changed in the setting, or printed. Furthermore, you can import the exported job and return it to the folder.
Uploadable file types: PS / PDF / TIFF / TIF / JPEG / JPG / ZIP / PPML
Types of files that can be imported: ICJX (exported file)
Select the desired one from [Hold], [HDD], and [Secure].
If the folder is locked, click ""; the Unlock screen is displayed. To unlock, enter the password, and click [OK].
When the [HDD] or [Secure] box is selected, click [Upload Job...].
The displayed screen varies depending on the browser you are using.
The ICJX file created in Export can be only imported.
The displayed screen varies depending on the browser you are using.