Home ApplicationExternal Certificate Setting

External Certificate Setting

Click [PKI Settings] - [External Certificate Setting] in the [Security] tab to display this screen.

A list of installed external certificates is shown. Click [Detail] for an external certificate to view its details.
You can also select a desired external certificate type from the drop-down list and click [Changes the display] to view a list of the selected type of external certificates only.

Use this screen to import a new external certificate, or remove an installed external certificate.

Importing an external certificate

  1. Click [New Registration].

  2. Click [Browse] to specify a file to be transmitted to the device.

    • In the file browsing dialog, specify the data file for the external certificate.

  3. Click [OK]. Clicking [Cancel] aborts the operation.

  4. Click [OK] on the setting complete screen.

Removing a certificate

Remove an installed external certificate.

  1. Click [Delete] for an external certificate to be removed.

  2. Check the issuer, subject and expiration date of the external certificate, then click [OK].

    • Clicking [Cancel] aborts the operation, and the certificate is not removed.

  3. Click [OK] on the setting complete screen.