Home Settings and AdjustmentsPackage Color Auto Adj.

Package Color Auto Adj.

Automatically adjust colors collectively. This menu item is to be displayed on the machine mounted with Integrated Color Care Unit IQ-501.

  1. Press [Adjustment] on the [MACHINE] screen to display the [Adjustment Menu] screen.

  2. Press [Quality Adjustment] and [Package Color Auto Adj.] in sequence.

  3. Before making adjustments, you can press [Initial Set.] to change adjustment settings as needed.

  4. Change any setting (Screen of Adjustment Target, Additional Adjustment, Maximum Density Adjustment Tray, or Adjustment Tray), then press [OK].

    • You can press [Previous] or [Next] to move the page.

  5. Press [Start].

  6. When the adjustment is completed, the adjustment result is displayed.