Specific Rules for Setting Data

Setting data for account track data

  • Begin the data with #EKC_TAB.

  • Max. 1,000 files can be edited.

  • A line should include PASSWORD, NAME, and LIMIT, separated by a tab.

  • "PASSWORD" is a password for account (max. 8 bytes).

  • "NAME" is an account name (max. 8 bytes).

  • "LIMIT" is the upper limit (0 to 99999999).

Setting data for E-mail data

  • Begin the data with #IP_EMAIL.

  • A line should include NAME, ADDRESS, REFERENCE, and DAILY, separated by a tab.

  • "NAME" is a registration name (max. 24 bytes).

  • "ADDRESS" is a mail address (max. 256 bytes).

  • "REFERENCE" is a search string (max. 24 bytes).

  • "DAILY" specifies whether or not to register for regular use (1: Yes, 0: No).

Setting data for HDD data

  • Begin the data with #IP_HDD.

  • A line should include NAME, NUMBER, PASSWORD, REFERENCE, or DAILY, separated by a tab.

  • "NAME" is a registration name (max. 24 bytes).

  • "NUMBER" is a box name (Image Controller IC-604: 1 to 999999999, Image Controller IC-313, Image Controller IC-314, or Image Controller IC-315: Max. 64 bytes).

  • "PASSWORD" is a password (max. 8 bytes).

  • "REFERENCE" is a search string (max. 24 bytes).

  • "DAILY" specifies whether or not to register for regular use (1: Yes, 0: No).

Setting data for FTP data

  • Begin the data with #IP_FTP.

  • A line should include "NAME," "ADDRESS," "FILEPATH," "LOGINNAME," "PASSWORD," "PORT," "REFERENCE", "DAILY", and "PROXY" being delimited by a tab.

  • "NAME" is a registration name (max. 24 bytes).

  • "ADDRESS" is a host address (max. 253 bytes).

  • "FILEPATH" is a file path (max. 127 bytes).

  • "LOGINNAME" is a login name (max. 32 bytes).

  • "PASSWORD" is a password (max. 32 bytes).

  • "PORT" is a port number (1 to 65535).

  • "REFERENCE" is a search string (max. 24 bytes).

  • "DAILY" specifies whether or not to register for regular use (1: Yes, 0: No).

  • "PROXY" specifies whether or not to use a proxy server (1: Yes, 0: No).

Setting data for SMB data

  • Begin the data with #IP_SMB.

  • A line should include NAME, ADDRESS, FILEPATH, LOGINNAME, PASSWORD, REFERENCE, or DAILY being separated by a tab.

  • "NAME" is a registration name (max. 24 bytes).

  • "ADDRESS" is a host address (max. 253 bytes).

  • "FILEPATH" is a file path (max. 255 bytes).

  • "LOGINNAME" is a login name (max. 32 bytes).

  • "PASSWORD" is a password (max. 32 bytes).

  • "REFERENCE" is a search string (max. 24 bytes).

  • "DAILY" specifies whether or not to register for regular use (1: Yes, 0: No).

Setting data for WebDAV data

  • Begin the data with #IP_WEB.

  • A line should include "NAME," "ADDRESS," "FILEPATH," "LOGINNAME," "PASSWORD," "DOMAINNAME", "PORT," "REFERENCE", "DAILY", "PROXY", and "SSL" being delimited by a tab.

  • "NAME" is a registration name (max. 24 bytes).

  • "ADDRESS" is a host address (max. 253 bytes).

  • "FILEPATH" is a file path (max. 142 bytes).

  • "LOGINNAME" is a login name (max. 64 bytes).

  • "PASSWORD" is a password (max. 32 bytes).

  • "DOMAINNAME" is a domain name (max. 64 bytes).

  • "PORT" is a port number (1 to 65535).

  • "REFERENCE" is a search string (max. 24 bytes).

  • "DAILY" specifies whether or not to register for regular use (1: Yes, 0: No).

  • "PROXY" specifies whether or not to use a proxy server (1: Yes, 0: No).

  • "SSL" specifies whether or not to use the SSL communication (1: Yes, 0: No).

Setting data for Paper setting data

  • The lines after "#CUSTOM_SIZE" describe the information for the registered custom sizes (20 entries). A line should include "NUMBER," "NAME," and various set values, delimited by a tab.

  • Then the lines after "#PARER_SETTING" describe the information for the registered paper profiles (500 entries). A line should include "NUMBER," "NAME," and various set values, delimited by a tab.

  • "NUMBER" is a registration number. It can take from 1 to 20 for custom sizes, and 1 to 500 for paper profiles.

  • "NAME" is a custom size name (max. 20 bytes) or a paper profile name (max. 50 bytes).