Adjust the hue.
The color itself is changed by adjusting the color tone for red (R), yellow (Y), green (G), cyan (C), blue (B), and magenta (M) in the rotation direction of the color wheel.
Original | Output |
Adjust the hue by rotating the color wheel.
When the color wheel is moved toward the plus side (+), red is closer to yellow, green to cyan, and blue to magenta.
When the color wheel is moved toward the minus side (-), red is closer to magenta, green to yellow, and blue to cyan.
Setting item | Description |
Adjusts in the negative direction (-). When the color wheel is set to the negative direction (-), red is closer to magenta, green to yellow, and blue to cyan. | |
Adjusts in the positive direction (+). When the color wheel is set to the positive direction (+), red is closer to yellow, green to cyan, and blue to magenta. |