Home Utilize useful functionsUsing HDD: Managing Jobs in Folders

Using HDD: Managing Jobs in Folders

It is possible to manage important hold jobs as "HDD saved jobs" in folders so that you can output them repeatedly or edit and use them many times.

You can recall the HDD saved jobs as necessary to output, save (copy) as hold jobs, or delete.

• Examples Introduced in This Section

  • Using the touch panel of the main body to save a hold job in a folder created in the HDD. Recalling a job saved in the HDD as a hold job.

  • Saving/Recalling a Job in/from HDD on the Main Body
    Using the touch panel to save a job in the HDD (hold job -> HDD saved job) and recall it (HDD saved job -> hold job).


  • See the difference between a hold job and HDD saved job as below.

Hold Job

  • A maximum of 500 jobs can be temporarily held. They cannot be managed in folders.

  • You can change the print setting (Job Ticket Edit) or edit (insert, copy or delete) the pages (Image Page Edit).

HDD Saved Job

  • A maximum of 100 jobs can be saved in the HDD root.

  • It is possible to create a maximum of 100 folders in the HDD root, each of which can contain a maximum of 100 jobs. (A folder cannot contain subfolders.)

  • You can recall them when necessary and save as hold jobs.