Home Utilize useful functionsRegistering the Print Setting to Hot Folder

Registering the Print Setting to Hot Folder

Register a print setting when printing to Hot Folder.

The procedure for PDF document is shown below as an example.

In the example, the following settings are made.

Setting items:

  • Sets

  • Orientation

  • You can specify the color configuration from [Color Configuration].

  • Press [Preferential Spot Color Table] to specify the spot color table to be used.

  • You can also register the print setting of Hot Folder using, PageScope Web Connection. For details about PageScope Web Connection, refer to Hot Folder Setting.

  • The setting items may differ depending on the printer type used and the configuration of options.

  • Each printer can contain multiple job settings.

  1. Follow the procedure on Registering a User Setting to display the [Administrator Setting Menu] screen.

  2. Press [Network Setting] on the [Administrator Setting Menu] screen, and then press [NIC Setting] and [Hot Folder Setting] in sequence.

    The [Hot Folder Setting] screen is displayed.

  3. Press [Folder Setting].

    • The [Folder Setting] screen is displayed.

  4. Select a Hot Folder to register a print setting, and then press [Edit].

  5. Press [Next].

  6. Press [Hot Folder's Print Setting] for [Print Setting Priority].

  7. Press [Print Setting].

  8. Set the following items in the same manner.







  9. After setting the items, press [Close].

  10. Press [Register].

  11. Press [Close].

    • The print setting is registered to Hot Folder.