Home ApplicationSearch for Job

Search for Job

Search the currently selected job list (Hold Job/HDD Job) for a desired job.

(Normal display)

(Display of detailed conditions when clicking )


  1. Enter the file name in the input field indicated with [Search File Name].

    • All the characters except the double quotation mark (") are available.

    • To search for multiple files, specify the names by separating them with spaces.

    • Up to 256 characters can be entered.

  2. Click  to display the detailed conditions as needed.

    • If not specifying detailed conditions, proceed to the step 5.

  3. Check the item, and then enter the [User Name].

    • To specify multiple names, separate them with spaces.

    • Up to 256 characters can be entered.

    • All the characters except the double quotation mark (") are available.

  4. Check the [Date Range], and then specify the start date or the end date.

  5. Click  to start search.

    • HDD jobs are searched within the selected folder.

    • To return to the normal display, click  .

    • Clicking  cancels the search and clears the search condition.

    • Switching between the Hold Job tab and HDD Job tab clears the search results.