When you have to uninstall the Windows printer driver, for example, when reinstallation of the printer driver is necessary, uninstall the driver by using the following procedure.
Open the Printers & Scanners window.
supplementary explanationClick the Apple mark and open the Printers & Scanners window from Apple Menu in System Preferences.
Select the printer name to be deleted, and then click -.
The selected printer is deleted.
Close the Printers & Scanners window.
Drag the following files, which are located in Library - Printers - PPDs - Contents - Resources for the installed Macintosh HD, to the Trash icon.
supplementary explanationKOI3080J.ppd
supplementary explanationKOI3080_.ppd
Delete unnecessary files from Library - Printers.
Drag the following files, which are located in Library - Printers - KONICA_MINOLTA, to the Trash icon.
supplementary explanationpstoAccurioPress_C3080
supplementary explanationAccurioPress_C3080.plugin
supplementary explanationAccurioPress_C3080.icns
From the Finder menu, click Move. Pressing the option key, click Library. Drag the following files located in Preferences onto the Trash icon.
supplementary explanationAccurioPress C3080 Printer Driver Preferences
The file above may not be displayed depending on the driver setting.
The account you selected to log in is used as User Name.
Restart the computer.
This completes removing the printer driver.