Home ApplicationSpecify Information to Print

Specify Information to Print

This section describes how to set the color bar and the color setting information printed when a job is output.

  1. From [File] menu, select [Color Verification].

    [Color Verification] screen appears.

  2. To set the printing items of the Color Settings Information, check [The Color Setting Information] and check the items you wish to print.

    • From [Print Position], select a radio button to set the printing position.

    • From [Number of Lines], select the number of lines (1 to 5 lines).

  3. To set the color bar, check [Color Bar] and set the printing items.

    • The image that is registered as the color bar is displayed.

    • To use another file, click [Change the Image] and then specify an eps file.

    • To specify the print position, select an option button in [Print Position].

  4. When you register the settings of the color information and the color bar, click [Register].

    [Color Verification] is closed to return to [Color Default Settings] screen.

    • When you want to discard the current settings and use the registered settings at factory shipping, click [Initialize].