Available operations for Hold Job

For the hold jobs, the following operations are available:




Prints the selected job.

For details, refer to Printing Hold Job: Operation from AccurioPro Print Manager.

Job Settings

Displays the Job Settings screen.

For details, refer to Job Edit: Editing a Hold Job print setting.


Deletes the selected job.

For details, refer to Deleting Hold Job.


Copies the selected job.

For details, refer to Duplicating Hold Job.


Copies the selected job to the HDD job.

For details, refer to Store Hold Job on HDD.


Displays the Job Merging screen.

For details, refer to Merging Hold Jobs.

Page Edit*1

Displays the Page Edit screen.

For details, refer to Page Edit: Editing a Hold Job page.

Tone Curve Adjustment*1

Displays the Tone Curve Adjustment screen.

For details, refer to Adjusting Tone Curve of Hold Job.


Outputs the hold jobs to a file. Only the administrator can perform this operation. For details about the operation procedure, refer to Exporting a Hold Job.

Upload/Import Job

Upload: Uploads a file to be imported as a hold job. For details about the operation procedure, refer to Uploading a Job.

Import: Imports an export file into a hold job. For details about the operation procedure, refer to Importing a job.

*1: This item cannot be selected for a hold job (without RIP).