Home Job OperationsHold Job and Save on HDD

Hold Job and Save on HDD

The machine can temporarily save print job data into memory, and then allows you to check them on the [JOB LIST] screen for output or saving them on the HDD.

The jobs stored on the HDD can be output from the [HDD RECALL] screen, returned to the [Hold Job] screen, and also deleted from the HDD.

This section describes how to output, duplicate, delete, store on the HDD (HDD Store), and edit (Job Edit) the hold jobs from the [Hold Job] screen of the [JOB LIST] screen. Procedures performed for jobs stored on the HDD from the [HDD RECALL] screen are also described, such as printing and deleting, or recalling jobs as a hold job.

Difference between Holding Jobs and Storing Jobs on HDD

  • Hold
    This machine can hold print jobs. With hold jobs, you can change the settings using the Job Ticket, edit a page and output. Up to 500 jobs can be stored. The hold jobs are retained in the HDD even if the power of the machine is turned off.

  • HDD Store
    When the hold job is stored in the HDD, you can organize the jobs by folder. Before editing the job stored in the HDD, recall the job stored in the HDD with [HDD RECALL] to the hold job.
    Maximum number of HDD saved job
    • Up to 100 jobs can be saved in the HDD root.
    • Up to 100 folders can be created in the HDD root. (The folders can be created only in this hierarchy.)
    • Up to 100 jobs can be saved in one folder.