Home Job OperationsEditing Hold Job

Editing Hold Job

Job Edit provides the following two functions.



Job Ticket Edit

Allows you to check the Basic Setting, Paper Setting, and Quality Adjustment of a hold job or job stored on the HDD, and also to partially change them for output.

Image Page Edit

Provides preview images of the page sequence. This function also allows you to insert, move, or copy the images.

Display the [Job Ticket Edit] screen and the [Image Page Edit] screen to perform the Job Edit.

-> For details about the [Job Ticket Edit] screen, refer to Job Ticket Edit Screen.

-> For details about the [Image Page Edit] screen, refer to Image Page Edit Screen.

If output conditions (such as option configuration) differ from those of the hold job, mark appears to show unavailability of output and overwriting.

  1. Press the [JOB LIST] tab to display the [JOB LIST] screen.

  2. Press [Hold Job].

    The [Hold Job] screen will be displayed.

  3. Select the image file for the job edit on the [Hold Job] screen.

  4. Press [Job Ticket] to display the [Job Ticket Edit] screen, or press [Page Edit] to display the [Image Page Edit] screen.