Create a user account. The following example explains how to create a user account called "user1" on Windows XP on a destination computer to which scan data is sent.
Example of settings
•User account: user1
•Password: password
•Shared folder name: PDF-Scan
Right-click [My Computer] and click [Manage].
Click [System Tools] - [Local Users and Groups] - [Users].
The above settings cannot be configured on this window for Windows XP Home Edition. For details, refer to the following.
Click [Action] - [New User].
Enter "user1" in [User Name] field. Enter "password" in [Password] and [Confirm password] fields.
Be sure to enter your password.
Deselect [User must change password at next logon], select [Password never expires], and click [Create].
The user account is created and the password is set.