Home Machine InformationReport Type: Outputting a Report

Report Type: Outputting a Report

This screen is displayed if you select [Report Type] in the [Controller Machine Setting Menu] screen. For details about how to display the [Controller Machine Setting Menu] screen, refer to CONTROLLER: Setting the Controller.

    • Before displaying the [Report Type] screen, switch to [Proof (0m)] for [Print Start Distance Switch] on the [MACHINE] screen of the touch panel of the machine. This setting helps reduce the amount of paper conveyed before printing and media consumption.



    [Configuration Page Print]

    Outputs a list of [Color Setting], [Network Setting], and [Machine Setting].

    [PS Demo Page Print]

    Outputs [PS Demo Page Print].

    [PCL Font List]

    Outputs [PCL Font List].

    [PS Font List]

    Outputs [PS Font List].