Home ApplicationWeb Utilities : Web Tool of this macineOverview of Web UtilitiesAccessing Web Utilities

Accessing Web Utilities

  1. Start the Web browser.

  2. Enter the following URL in the address bar and press Enter.

    • When Image Controller IC-602 has been mounted: http://IP address of the machine:30091/
      (ex) If the IP address of the machine is, enter ""

    • When Image Controller IC-602 has been mounted, you can also access Web Utilities from the Web Utilities link on the [Login] screen or the [Admin. Mode] screen of PageScope Web Connection.

    • When Image Controller IC-308 or Image Controller IC-310 has been mounted: http://IP address of the machine/
      (ex) If the IP address of the machine is, enter ""

    The [Main Page] screen of Web Utilities of the machine is displayed.

    • For details about the network settings, contact your network administrator.

  3. To use the Machine Manager Setting menu, click [Machine Manager Setting].

    The password entry dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter "admin" in the User Name text box, and the 8-character administrator password in the password text box, then click on [OK].

    The [Machine Manager Setting] screen is displayed.

    • The user name "admin" (for accessing the Machine Manager Setting menu) cannot be changed.

    • "00000000" is initially applied to the administrator password. It is better to change it before use. For details about how to change the administrator password, refer to Administrator Password: Changing the Administrator Password.

  5. Make various settings as necessary.

    • To return to the [Main Page] screen, click [Main Page].