Home ApplicationWeb Utilities : Web Tool of this macineDisplaying Job HistoryDisplaying Job History List

Displaying Job History List

  1. Display the [Main page] screen of Web Utilities.

  2. Click on [Machine Manager Setting].

    The password entry dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter "admin" in the User Name text box, and the 8-character administrator password in the password text box, then click on [OK].

    The [Machine Manager Setting] screen is displayed.

  4. Click on [Job History List].

    The [Job History List] screen is displayed.

  5. Check the job history in the list.

    • The list provides the history number (No.), job number (JobId), mode, and the date when the job was performed (Date).

    • The items provided in the job history list can be changed. For details, contact your service representative.

    • Use the following keys to change the display.



[Job History List]

Displays the last 100 jobs.


Scrolls to the previous 100 jobs.


Scrolls to the next 100 jobs.