PC-Fax RX is a function that automatically saves a received fax to the Compulsory Memory RX User Box or the User Box specified in F-Code (SUB Address).
A saved fax job can be read from the User Box and into a computer.
Enable PC-Fax RX. In conjunction with this, specify a User Box for saving incoming faxes.
For details on the setting procedure, refer to Using the PC-Fax RX Function.
To print a fax saved in a User Box by PC-Fax RX or import it as data to a computer, browse data in that User Box.
For details on how to print faxes from the Public, Personal, or Group User Box, refer to Printing a File in a User Box.
Using Web Connection allows you to download faxes saved in the Public, Personal, or Group User Box to a computer. For details on the download procedure, refer to Download files in a User Box to the PC.
If you are using the basic style, refer to Printing a Fax in a User Box for details on how to print files saved in the Memory RX User Box.
If you are using the classic style, refer to Printing a Fax in a User Box for details on how to print files saved in the Memory RX User Box.