A received fax is printed according to the following conditions depending on the page size of the fax.
A standard-size fax, such as those received in A4/Letter size, is printed on the same standard size paper with slight reduction (default: [96]%).
To change the default settings for printing, select [Utility] - [Administrator] - [Fax Settings] - [TX/RX Settings] - [Print Paper Selection]/[Min. Reduction for RX Print].
You can always print on the specified size of paper irrespective of the paper size of the received fax.
If the specified print paper size is smaller than the size of the received fax, the size of the fax is reduced to the size of the print paper.
Select [Utility] - [Administrator] - [Fax Settings] - [TX/RX Settings] - [Print Paper Size], and specify the paper size for printing.
You can always print on the paper loaded into the specified tray irrespective of the paper size of the received fax.
If the size of the paper in the specified tray is smaller than the size of the received fax, the size of the fax is reduced to the paper size of the tray.
Select [Utility] - [Administrator] - [Fax Settings] - [TX/RX Settings] - [Paper Tray Setting], and specify the paper tray for printing.
For faxes that are longer in the longitudinal direction than the standard size, the print size is not reduced, however any area that cannot be fitted to a standard size is printed on the subsequent page.
Select [Utility] - [Administrator] - [Fax Settings] - [TX/RX Settings], and set [Print Separate Fax Pages] to ON (default: OFF).