Assign an arbitrary number to each account and set account information for each number.
The following setting is required to display this screen.
[User Authentication]: [OFF]
[Account Track]: [ON]
The setting screen is displayed.
[Use opening number]: An opening number is assigned automatically.
[Input directly]: 1 to 500 numbers can be entered.
For editing, the registration number of the selected account is displayed. You cannot enter the number.
Up to 8 single-byte characters can be entered.
These items cannot be entered when [Account Track Input Method] is set to [Password Only].
Up to 8 single-byte characters can be entered.
For details about [Function Permission], refer to [Default Function Permission].
[Management System]: Select [Total Allowance] or [Individual Allowance].
[Total Allowance]: Select the [Total] check box, and enter the maximum number of sheets that is the total of both [Color] prints and [Black] prints.
[Individual Allowance]: Select the [Color] or [Black] check box, and enter the maximum number of sheets that is the total of both prints.
The setting completion screen is displayed.
The confirmation dialog box is displayed.