Home FAQQ2. I measured a chart by using a colorimeter, but the color values are not accurate.

Q2. I measured a chart by using a colorimeter, but the color values are not accurate.

A2. Was there anything colored under the chart when you measured? The inaccuracy may have been caused by things such as the desk that the chart was placed on.

When you measure, place a white material such as a board or paper underneath the chart.

For label paper, color of the liner may affect it.
Peal the liner and paste the paper on a white board or paper before measuring.

If you use a board, use the backup board that was supplied with the colorimeter.

If you use paper, use a stack of at least 10 sheets of the same paper that was used to print the chart.

For details, refer to Controller Calibration (Regular Adjustment Flow (High Accuracy/Adjustment Flow When Changing the Screen)).