Home Daily CareAuthenticationUser Authentication Using External Server

User Authentication Using External Server

This section describes the operation to gain User Authentication by using an external server.

  • If public users are allowed to use the machine, users can use the machine as a public user by pressing [Public User] in the upper right area. The administrator sets the functions available and the upper limit for output.

  • The administrator configures the settings for the external server accessed.

  • IC cards cannot be used for authentication via external server.

  1. Check the server name displayed on the right side of [Server Name]. If it is not the server being accessed, press [Server Name].

  2. Select the button for the target external server, then press [OK].

  3. Enter a [User Name] and User [Password].

  4. Press [OK], or press Access on the control panel.

    The screen you attempt to access will be displayed.

  5. Start operation.  

    You can use the machine normally.

  6. When complete, press Access on the control panel.