Home Machine InformationAutoMeasure adjustment

[AutoMeasure] adjustment

This function scans both sides of adjustment charts printed out in [Print Mode] using Integrated Color Care Unit IQ-501, and automatically makes the both-side adjustment. After adjustment, each adjustment value ([Zoom], [Image Shift], and [Rotate/Skew]) on this screen is updated.

When multiple adjustment charts are printed, adjustment values are obtained from the average, thereby enabling highly accurate adjustment to be carried out. Up to 20 adjustment charts can be printed out collectively.

The [AutoMeasure] adjustment is not available on a machines that are not equipped with Integrated Color Care Unit IQ-501.

  • If you press [Adjustment] - [Quality Adjustment] - [Periodical Both Sides Adj.] on the [MACHINE] screen and set [Period. Both Sides Auto Adj.] to [ON], you can set [Periodical Adjustment] to [ON] or [OFF] for each tray. [Periodical Adjustment] is available for the tray for which [ON] is set. For details, refer to Periodical Both Sides Adj..

  1. Press [Both Sides] on the [MACHINE] screen.

  2. Press [AutoMeasure], then press [Print Mode], after selecting the tray loaded with paper for adjustment.

  3. Enter the necessary number of adjustment charts, then press Start on the control panel.

    • Up to 20 adjustment charts can be printed out. As the number of charts increases, the accuracy of adjustment values rises.

  4. After adjustment charts have been printed out, press [Exit PrintMode].

  5. The [AutoMeasure] screen is displayed, and each adjustment value on this screen is updated.

    • Print out one adjustment chart, and check it.

  6. Press [Close].

    Now, the [AutoMeasure] adjustment is completed.