Home WelcomeIntended use of this machine

Intended use of this machine

Intended use

This machine is designed to be used as a digital printing system for the following purposes:

  • Print documents.

  • Store documents to reprint on the HDD of this machine.

The intended use also requires that:

  • The system is used within the limits of device specifications and specifications of optional components,

  • All safety instructions in the related user's guides are observed,

  • Legal restrictions on printingĀ are observed (refer to instruction booklet "Safety Information"),

  • Inspection and maintenance instructions are adhered to,

  • General, national and company safety provisions are observed.

Impermissible operating conditions

The system may not be operated if:

  • Errors or damage have been discovered,

  • Maintenance intervals have been exceeded,

  • Mechanical or electrical functions do not work as they should.

Exclusion of liability

The manufacturer of the system assumes no liability for damages if the system was operated under impermissible conditions.