Fully Using Network Fax Functions
Settings Anyone can Change
- To customize the initial display of the main screen in the scan/fax mode ([Scan/Fax Settings])
- To activate case sensitivity each time a registered destination is searched ([Search Option Settings])
- To change the default compression type for transmission in color ([JPEG Compression Level])
- To change the default compression type for transmission in black and white ([Black Compression Level])
- To register the frequently scan and copy functions as the standard ([Default Scan/Fax Settings])
- To register the frequently scan and fax functions (Enlarge Display) as the standard ([Default Enlarge Display Settings])
- To change the compression type when a file saved in TIFF format cannot be opened on your computer ([Color TIFF Type])
Settings only the Administrators can Change
- To register a prefix and suffix of an E-mail address in order to save steps to enter an E-mail address ([Prefix/Suffix Setting])
- To change the timing to start printing at reception of a fax ([Print/Fax Output Settings])
- To restrict the use of a fax/scan program ([Restrict Program Function Setting])
- To restrict functions such as Store Address or From address that can be changed by users ([Restrict Access to Job Settings])
- To restrict sending to multiple destinations (broadcast transmission) ([Restrict Broadcasting])
- To register information to be added to the header or footer ([Header/Footer Settings])
- To specify whether to add an initial character of a scanned mode name to the file name of the scanned original data ([Function Mode Initial])
- To add any character string to the file name of the scanned original data ([Supplementary File Name])
- To print a list of registered E-mail subjects and body text ([E-Mail Subject/Text List])
- To specify whether to print the sender name on a sent fax ([Sender])
- To specify the position of the sender information printed on a sent fax ([Header Position])
- To change the character size of the sender information printed on a sent fax ([TTI Print Position and Character Size])
- To specify whether to print the date, time, and reception number on a received fax ([Footer Position])
- To change the number of automatic redials when an IP address fax transmission has failed ([Number of Redials])
- To change the automatic redialing interval when an IP address fax transmission has failed ([Redial Interval])
- To specify whether to print a multi-page fax on both sides of paper ([Duplex Print (RX)])
- To specify whether to preferentially print a received fax on inch-sized paper ([Letter/Ledger over A4/A3])
- To change the paper selection standard for printing a received fax ([Print Paper Selection])
- To specify the paper size for printing a received fax ([Print Paper Size])
- To specify a paper tray for printing a received fax ([Paper Tray Settings])
- To change the minimum reduction ratio of images when printing a received fax ([Min. Reduction for RX Print])
- To specify whether to separate pages when receiving a longer fax than the standard size ([Print Separate Fax Pages])
- To change the number of copies for a received fax ([No. of Sets (RX)])
- To display a list of specified destinations before sending a fax ([Destination Check Display Function])
- To save a received fax to a User Box on this machine and view its contents before printing ([Memory RX Setting])
- To forward a received fax to an E-mail destination or other fax machine ([Forward TX Setting])
- To change conditions for printing a fax sending or receiving report ([Report Settings])
- To print a list of fax settings ([Fax Setting List])
- To change the data compression type for transmission in black and white ([Black Compression Level])
- To change the data compression type for transmission in color ([Color/Grayscale Multi-Value Compression Method])
- To specify the reception capability of this machine to be notified to an Internet fax peer ([Internet Fax Self RX Ability])
- To specify the Internet fax receiving check function (MDN) ([Internet Fax Advanced Settings])
- To specify the operating mode for IP address fax ([Operating Mode])
- To specify whether to allow a color transmission when sending a fax based on the Direct SMTP standard ([Sending Colored Documents])