Fully Using Scan Transmission Functions
Settings Anyone can Change
- To register the subject and body of an E-mail ([E-Mail Settings])
- To customize the initial display of the main screen in the scan/fax mode ([Scan/Fax Settings])
- To activate case sensitivity each time a registered destination is searched ([Search Option Settings])
- To change the default compression type for transmission in color ([JPEG Compression Level])
- To change the default compression type for transmission in black and white ([Black Compression Level])
- To change the control panel locking time when importing an image by TWAIN Scan ([TWAIN Lock Time])
- To register the frequently scan and copy functions as the standard ([Default Scan/Fax Settings])
- To register the frequently scan and fax functions (Enlarge Display) as the standard ([Default Enlarge Display Settings])
- To change the compression type when saving a file in the Compact PDF or Compact XPS format ([Compact PDF/XPS Compression Level])
- To change the compression type when a file saved in TIFF format cannot be opened on your computer ([Color TIFF Type])
- To change the accuracy of the graphic outline processing when saving data in the Outline PDF format ([Graphic Outlining])
- To automatically add a text to a file name in order in order to avoid a file name being duplicated in a destination ([Auto Rename Function])
- To select PDF or Compact PDF as the file type when using a scan process to be sent as a PDF file ([Distributed Scan PDF Settings])
- To select XPS or Compact XPS as the file type when using a scan process to be sent as an XPS file ([Distributed Scan XPS Settings])
Settings only the Administrators can Change
- To register a prefix and suffix of an E-mail address in order to save steps to enter an E-mail address ([Prefix/Suffix Setting])
- To restrict the use of a fax/scan program ([Restrict Program Function Setting])
- To restrict functions such as Store Address or From address that can be changed by users ([Restrict Access to Job Settings])
- To restrict sending to multiple destinations (broadcast transmission) ([Restrict Broadcasting])
- To register information to be added to the header or footer ([Header/Footer Settings])
- To change operations to be performed when the Preview key is pressed or how to display a preview ([Preview Settings])
- To specify whether to add an initial character of a scanned mode name to the file name of the scanned original data ([Function Mode Initial])
- To add any character string to the file name of the scanned original data ([Supplementary File Name])
- To print a list of registered E-mail subjects and body text ([E-Mail Subject/Text List])
- To change the default setting when creating a PDF file based on PDF/A using the PDF processing function ([PDF/A Default Settings])
- To change the default setting when creating a linearized PDF file using the PDF processing function ([PDF Web Optimization Default Settings])