Home ApplicationJob Centro : Application of Image Controller for job management.Basic Information of Job CentroConfiguration of Job Centro ScreenSetting Display Style (Preferences)


Setting Display Style (Preferences)

Set the display style for each screen of Job Centro.

  1. Select [File] - [Preferences] in the [Job Centro] screen.

    [Preferences] screen is displayed.

  2. Select the [Date Style], [Time Style], and the [Unit], and then click [OK].

    • The settings take effect after restarting Job Centro.

    • The default style for each item is as follows :
      - Metric area :
      [Date Style] : [YYYY/MM/DD]
      [Time Style] : [h:mm:ss AM/PM]
      [Unit] : [mm]
      - Inch area :
      [Date Style] : [DD/Month/YYYY]
      [Time Style] : [h:mm:ss AM/PM]
      [Unit] : [inch]