Sending the download URL to your address (Scan to URL)
The Scan to URL function is a function that transmits the URL to download the original data scanned on this machine, to your E-mail address by E-mail.
The scanned original data is saved in a User Box on this machine without being attached to an E-mail during the pre-specified period, so data can be acquired regardless of the transmission capacity limit of the E-mail server.
To use the Scan to URL function, the following preparation is required.
Configuring the environment to use the Scan to E-mail function
Installing the MFP authentication or external server authentication
Registering an E-mail address as user's registration information
Enabling the Scan to URL function of this machine
In the administrator mode, select [User Auth/Account Track] - [URL display enable setting], and then set [URL display enable setting] to [Enable] (Default: [Enable]).
The Hard Disk is optional in some areas. To use this function, the optional Hard Disk is required.
For details on how to use the Scan to URL function, refer to [Sending the download URL to your address (Scan to URL)] .