Resending a Fax

Auto resending (Auto redial)

If a fax transmission fails due to a line or recipient machine problem, the machine automatically resends (redials) the fax after certain time has elapsed. By default, redialing takes place at an interval of three minutes.

Related setting (for the administrator)
  • You can change the number of redials to take place in auto redialing. For details, refer to [Number of Redials] .

  • You can change the auto redialing interval (default: [3 min.]). For details, refer to [Redial Interval] .


Manual resending

A failed fax transmission is handled as a reserved job pending for resending (redial).

Pending jobs for resending are resent automatically after a certain period of time has elapsed using the auto redial function. However, you can manually resend the fax.

  1. Tap [Job List].

  2. Select a job you wish to resend and tap [Redial].

  3. Tap [Start].

    Transmission begins.