Back up data (reference images and automatic inspection reports) in the Auto Inspection Unit UK-301 HDD to a USB external storage device.
A: Auto Inspection Unit UK-301
B: Backup
C: External storage
The following settings are required to use this function.
Save the following data in the Auto Inspection Unit UK-301, HDD to an external storage device.
Conditions for backup operations
Ensure that Auto Inspection Unit UK-301 is mounted
Ensure that the external storage media used for backup is securely connected to the USB connection port of Auto Inspection Unit UK-301
Ensure that only one external storage medium used for backup is connected
Ensure that Enhanced Security mode is not set
Conditions for external storage device used for backup
The device is formatted (FAT32 or ext4)
There is sufficient capacity to complete the backup
Since the USB connection port of Auto Inspection Unit UK-301 only supports low-power devices, storage media that require a large amount of power should be powered using an external power source
Make sure you use an external storage device that meets all these conditions.
If the capacity of external storage media is not sufficient to store the backup data, an error dialog box will appear. Press [Close] to cancel the backup.
An error message dialog box will be displayed if the backup operations fail. Press [Close] to try to back up again.
If you do not want to retry backup, turn the Sub power switch off and back on again.
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