Restricting the recipient domain

Restrict the domain of the recipient to transmit an E-mail, Internet fax, or IP address fax.

Security enhancement is realized by restricting a transmission from this machine to an external device.

In the administrator mode, select [Network] - [Domain Send Operation Restriction Setting], then configure the following settings.



[Domain Send Operation Restriction Setting]

Select [Limit] to restrict the recipient domain.

[Do Not Limit] is specified by default.

[Limit Type]

Select a method to restrict the recipient domain.

  • To specify a domain to be rejected, select [Send Deny].

  • To specify a domain to be permitted, select [Permitted TX].

[Permitted TX List]

Specify the domain to be permitted as the recipient when [Permitted TX] is selected in [Limit Type].

Enter the IP address or domain name of the domain (using up to 255 bytes).

  • Symbol "?" is recognized as any one character.

  • Symbol "*" is recognized as any characters of 0 or more.

Five domains are displayed at one time. Select a page to be displayed from the list, then click [Go] to display other domains.

[Send Deny List]

Specify the domain to be rejected as the recipient when [Send Deny] is selected in [Limit Type].

Enter the IP address or domain name of the domain (using up to 255 bytes).

  • Symbol "?" is recognized as any one character.

  • Symbol "*" is recognized as any characters of 0 or more.

Five domains are displayed at one time. Select a page to be displayed from the list, then click [Go] to display other domains.

[Limitation check of Shared address]

Check whether destinations with transmission disabled are included in the destinations registered on this machine.

  • If [Permitted TX] is selected in [Limit Type], the setting of [Send Deny List] is deleted.

  • If [Send Deny] is selected in [Limit Type], the setting of [Permitted TX List] is deleted.