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IP Address Filtering

To display: [Utility][Administrator][Network][TCP/IP Setting][IP Address Filtering]

Restrict devices that can access this machine depending on the range of IP addresses.



[IPv4 Filtering (Permit Access)]

Specify an IPv4 address to allow access to this machine.

  • [IPv4 Filtering (Permit Access)]: When specifying the IPv4 address that allow access, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • Range 1 to Range 5: Enter the range of IPv4 addresses that allow access using the following format.
    Entry example: " -"
    If a single IPv4 address is allowed to access, you can only enter the address in one side of the range.

[IPv4 Filtering (Deny Access)]

Specify an IPv4 address to deny access to this machine.

  • [IPv4 Filtering (Deny Access)]: When specifying the IPv4 address that deny access, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • Range 1 to Range 5: Enter the range of IPv4 addresses that deny access using the following format.
    Entry example: " -"
    To deny access from a single IPv4 address, you can only enter the address in one side of the range.

[IPv6 Filtering (Permit Access)]

Specify an IPv6 address to allow access to this machine.

  • [IPv6 Filtering (Permit Access)]: When specifying the IPv6 address that allow access, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • Range 1 to Range 5: Enter the IPv6 address and prefix length to specify the range of IPv6 addresses that allow access.

[IPv6 Filtering (Deny Access)]

Specify an IPv6 address to deny access to this machine.

  • [IPv6 Filtering (Deny Access)]: When specifying the IPv6 address that deny access, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • Range 1 to Range 5: Enter the IPv6 address and prefix length to specify the range of IPv6 addresses that deny access.