Using a User Box in an MFP on the Network

Open User Box

Logging in to Web Connection displays a list of User Boxes registered in the accessed MFP.

Tap the desired box name from Public User Box, Personal User Box, or Group User Box to open it.

  • You can also open a desired User Box by directly entering the box number.

  • If the box is password protected, you need to enter the password.

Printing a file in a User Box

  1. Open a User Box.

  2. Select a file to print, and execute printing.

    supplementary explanationSome files may not be printed even if selected.

  3. When necessary, change print settings, then tap [OK].

  4. Tap [Open File].

  5. Tap [Print].

  6. When necessary, change print settings, then press the Start key.

    Printing starts.

Deleting a file in a User Box

  1. Open a User Box.

  2. Select a file to delete, and execute deleting.

    This deletes the selected file from the User Box in the accessed MFP.