Preparation for Network Connection (for the Administrator)

Checking the network settings

Check that this machine is connected to the network. For details on the check procedure, refer to [Checking the Network Settings] .

Configuring the network printing environment

Change the settings of this machine depending on the required printing protocol.

If the printing protocol is not specified before installation, Normal Printing (Port 9100) is selected for printing. Use Normal Printing (Port 9100) unless otherwise specified by the administrator.

How to print


Normal Printing (Port 9100)

Make sure that the RAW port number has been set. (In normal circumstances, you can use the default settings.)

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Configuring the Port9100 printing environment] .

Internet Print (IPP)

Check the IPP operating environment. (In normal circumstances, you can use the default settings.)

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Configuring the IPP printing environment] .

Secure Print (IPPS)

Set up the IPPS operating environment. Communication between this machine and the computer is encrypted with SSL.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [Configuring the IPP printing environment] .

  • Secure Print (IPPS) cannot be set up using the installer.

  • The Internet Print (IPP) is not supported in the IPv6 environment.

Allowing device information to be acquired from the printer driver

Disable the OpenAPI authentication function. (In normal circumstances, you can use the default settings.)

When you allow acquisition of device information from the printer driver, the printer driver automatically obtains information such as what options are installed in this machine and whether authentication settings have been configured.

For details on the setting procedure, refer to [OpenAPI Setting] .

Related setting (for the administrator)