Q. Can more than one computer use the same settings for the printer driver?

Operation procedure: Preparing for an install package

  1. Insert the driver DVD into the DVD drive of the computer.

  2. Select [Utility Software].

  3. Download the Driver Packaging Utility file from the download page to a desired location.

  4. Double-click the Driver Packaging Utility file you have downloaded and decompress it to a desired location.

Operation procedure: Creating an install package

  1. Double-click [DPU.exe] in the [DPU] folder.

  2. Select a language and click [Agree].

  3. Click [Edit] and click [Add Printer] on the menu.

  4. Select a reference printer for the install package, then click [OK]. Select a printer that satisfies the following requirements:

    supplementary explanationThe printer is supported by the Driver Packaging Utility.

    supplementary explanationThe printer has already been installed on the computer you are currently using.

    supplementary explanationThe printer is to be connected to a TCP/IP or Internet port.

  5. On the [Printer] tab, check that the name of the printer selected in Step 4 is displayed in [Printer Name].

  6. On the [Preferences], select [Copy from this printer], then check the [Set as default printing preferences] box.

  7. On the [Driver] tab, click [Browser] for the [Path to Printer Driver] to specify the folder containing the printer driver selected in Step 4.

  8. Click [OK].

  9. Click [Configuration] and click [DPU Folder] on the menu.

  10. In [Common Folder Path] or [Individual Folder Path], specify the path to the location to save the install package to, then click [OK].

    supplementary explanationClick [Browser] to specify the location in a folder tree.

  11. Click [File] - [Save As].

  12. Configure settings for respective items and click [Save].



    [DPU Folder]

    Select a desired location for saving the install package.

    [Package Name]

    Enter a name for the install package. A folder is created for the install package under the name entered here.


    Enter description of the install package.

    [Switch to the following user when executing the package]

    Check the box and fill [User Name], [Password] and [Domain Name], and the user is switched to the specified user when the install package is executed.

    [Destination for saving package log]

    Specify the path to the location for saving install package creation logs. Click [Browser] to specify the location in a folder tree.

    [Open the folder containing the package file.]

    Check the box if you wish to display the folder for saving the install package when saving it.

  13. After the creation of the install package is completed, click [OK].

  14. Distribute the install package created to users sharing the printer driver settings.

    supplementary explanationIn Driver Packaging Utility, click [Configuration] - [Package File] to display the folder storing the install package.

Operation procedure: Executing the install package

  1. Copy the folder for the install package to a desired location.

  2. Double-click the execution file of the install package you have created.

  3. Select a language and click [Agree].

  4. Select a package to install and click [Start].

  5. After the installation of the printer driver is completed, click [Finish].

  6. Open the properties for the installed printer driver and check the settings.

    supplementary explanationFor the display of the properties, refer to [How to display the Properties window] .